Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014
Ridge Spring News
December 13th thru January 3rd
401 E. Main St. Ridge Spring, SC
Join us in celebrating small businesses on The Ridge this Christmas Season. Retail businesses from our small towns are creating showcase rooms full of Christmas charm for visitors to come and enjoy. 

Each room is decorated by one or more businesses from Saluda, Batesburg-Leesville, Johnston, Ridge Spring, and Edgefield. We are very excited to offer this wonderful chance for you to come and see a sample of what our small towns have to offer in one location. All items can be purchased and you will be given a list of the businesses and their location for you to explore them further. 

Showcase hours will be:
During Ridge Spring Christmas Open House
December 13th 10:00 until 5:00
December 14th 12:30 until 5:00
December 15th until January 3rd
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 12:30 until 5:00
Saturday 10:00 until 2:00

CHRISTMAS TOUR OF HOMES, Ridge Spring SC, will be Sunday, December 14, 2014 from   2:00 until 5:00 p.m.  This is sponsored by the Green Thumb Garden Club
and assisted by the Ridge Garden Club.  Tickets are $10.00 each and may be purchased the day of tour at all homes and Ridge Spring Baptist Church.  Homes on Tour are Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Cone, Jr. at 336 Aiken Rd, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Webb at 340 Aiken Rd, and The Angel House Home of Terri Rourk at 312 East Main St.  Churches open for touring: Ridge Spring Baptist Church 108 Church Circle " Main St",   Ridge Spring United Methodist Church at 206 DuBose St and Immanuel "Historic" Lutheran Church at 206 Boatwright St.  Cake and Spiced Tea will be served at Ridge Spring Baptist Church Social Hall.
Ridge Spring Baptist Church will hold their annual Christmas Cantata, The First Noel, on Dec.7, 2014 at 6:00 pm. Fellowship will follow.
The Helpful Hands Mission received two very large food donations from the RSM Elementary school. Their theme was South Carolina vs. Clemson. They donated hundreds of cans and other non perishable food items. A big thank you goes to all the children and staff at our wonderful school.
Off the Beaten Path is growing!  We are locating to a new home the first week in December. We have outgrown our current space. Moving to 614 E. Main St. Ridge Spring (formerly Carlene's). We are adding new merchandise weekly.  Be sure to stop by and let us help you with that special Christmas Gift. The shop is open 10:00-5:00 PM daily except Wednesdays and Sundays.

Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm & Dairy-
Whenever folks tour the farm they are surprised to see sheep out in the field with the dairy cows.  There aren't many- just 6 of them- and they are definitely unexpected.  We used to run about 40 head of sheep out there, but over time we transitioned to the dairy cows, and only the 2 favorite sheep remained.  But, as things go, time passed, and lambs were born, and we now have a growing herd.  We do like our sheep- self shearing Katahdins- and particularly love lambing season.  There's nothing as cute as a 3 day old lamb when they find their legs and start running and bouncing.  But our sheep serve another purpose on the farm other than just being cute.  They eat different things in the pasture than the cows.  Yes, they eat the Bermuda, but they also feast on the wild onions when they start to grow.  And that is one reason we are growing our herd again.  If the dairy cows get into the wild onions, then the milk will taste like onions!  We had it happen once, and when we opened the milk tank and got that aroma of warm milk and onions, we said "never again"!  So we are thankful that those couple of sheep that have turned into 6, and that 5 of those will have lambs this winter.  Have a blessed week!

CARLENE’S:  What can I say?  Thank you, thank you, thank you for a wonder fifteen months at Carlene’s Antique to Unique.  It has been a pleasant experience and will forever be a favored chapter in the book of my life.  Thanks to everyone who has ever walked through the shop just to look, to those of you who found something worthy of your purchasing, and to those of you who gave us the most gracious compliments about the shop.  We heard them all and appreciate them very much.  My plan is to continue with the same type of merchandise in a much smaller scale in Olde Treasures.  I hope you will come to see me there and always know that I will do my best to locate anything you have need or want of.  We will be working at Carlene’s Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, other days if necessary to clear the floor (while we are there, please come by to see if something you may have wanted is still there and if so you can still purchase it.) and make way for the next business which we are happy to say is going to be Off the Beaten Path.  When our doors close, theirs will open.  Give them a wonderful welcome in their new location!
I would also like to thank my husband, Pat and a precious friend Mary Chandler for handling the last two official days that Carlene’s was open.  I came down with Strep throat and laryngitis and was unable to be there.  They did a fantastic job!  Thank you will never be enough.  I am sorry that I did not get to see all of you wonderful customers, but I look forward to seeing each of you at Olde Treasures.  Here’s to a beautiful future!  I can’t wait to see what is next!  Marian Warner

Helpful Hands Community Mission: Each Christmas Prison Fellowship and Christian churches make available a program called Angel Tree Christmas enabling prisoners to give gifts to their children.  This year Helpful Hands is sponsoring seven children.  If you would like to help sponsor one of our children this year please contact Pasto George W. Key, for more information at 803.480.3963 or

Rene Miller, RSM Elementary School:
Learning Festival: For the week ending November 14 Our school has completed 536,181 math problems.  We have earned 178,727 stickers. The team of the week is: Mrs. Wilson’s class—5th grade. The player of the week is: Logan McClure. He earned 810 stickers. He is in Mrs. Rodgers’ 5th grade class.  The top team for each grade level is: Kindergarten: Mrs. Havird’s class; 1st Grade: Mrs. Willing’s class; 2nd Grade: Mrs. Bouknight’s class; 3rd Grade: Mrs. Matthews’ class; 4th Grade: Mrs. Najmola’s class; 5th Grade: Mrs. Wilson’s class.  Our students continue to work hard using the First in Math program. We have set a school goal to complete ONE MILLION math problems by the end of the year. This will help increase fluency with math facts and therefore, increase our test scores in the spring! Way to go, Ridge Spring Elementary students!
Talent Show: We will be having a talent show on December 12, 2014. Students in Child Development through Second Grade will be able to perform. The entry fee for participants is $1.00. Students not participating will pay $1.00 to attend. All money will be collected on the day of the event. Students in Third through Fifth grade may attend.
A talent show for the upper grades will be held later in the year. Teachers Meet with New Supt. of Education Our new State Superintendent of Education, Molly Spearman, spoke at the Alpha Tau Meeting held in Saluda, which was attended by several of RSM’s teachers.
Veteran’s Day Visitor: Mr. Bill Workman, an E8 in the United States Army and Matthew Cockrell's grandfather, visited our K5 classes on Veteran’s Day. He shared with our students what Veteran's Day means to him. He showed our children how to salute and reminded us that we should thank Veteran's each day for all they have done for us. He shared that he was in the Army for 27 years and told us all the places he lived while in the Army. A big thank you goes out to Mr. Workman for his special visit.

Josie Rodgers: I was a lucky girl over the Thanksgiving holidays.  My grandmother stayed with me, and I got to see my stepsister from Tennessee!  I haven’t seen her in almost 15 years!  It was a treat for my dad to spend time with his oldest daughter.  To top it off, my dad is walking on his new prosthetic leg!  It was River’s first Thanksgiving, and Princess Leagrace actually ate butterbeans, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce by mouth! Our inside Christmas decorations are done and I got to spend lots of time with my children.  I have so much to be thankful for each day, but I have been overwhelmed with gratitude over the past few days!
On Dec. 10, the mid/high school will celebrate the season with Fine Arts Night in the gym at 6 pm.  Come see the amazing talent the Trojans have!

Jeffrey Clamp: The fruit orders will arrive on Sat., Dec. 13.
  On Dec. 10, the mid/high school will celebrate the season with Fine Arts Night in the gym at 6 pm.  Come see the amazing talent the Trojans have!

Now until Dec, 2: RSM Band selling fruit
Dec. 9: Harvest Festival Meeting
Dec. 14: Christmas Tour of Homes
Dec. 14: Christmas Open House with Shoppes of Ridge Spring
Dec. 14-Jan.5: Christmas on the Ridge Holiday Showcase

Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 

Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library.  

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