Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014
The Friends of Ridge Spring met Thursday night at the Episcopal Church’s Parrish House.  Several local farms were represented and we listened to Jackie Moore and Will Culler who are both interested in supporting and promoting Agri-Tourism.  Finger food was served with the emphasis being of everything coming from our local sources.  The sandwiches were from Juniper, asparagus, peach salsa and strawberries from Watsonia, the best bar-be-que made from Cone’s Meats by Noel Steele, pecans and dipping sauce from the Nut House and plates, napkins and drinks from Dollar General.  All were interested and delighted with the meeting.  Hopefully Cumbee Place will become a hub for the tourism, for our farms are working farms and need to work... Farmers’ Market is coming soon and the vouchers will be distributed as last year, June 14th.  We will be receiving a grant from AgSouth to help promote the Farmers’ Market.
Joanne Crouch is heading up the Harvest Festival again and we are thankful.  These are some specific places you can volunteer to help.  She needs the following: decorating Committee (2), Phone tree (1), Brochure Committee (2), Country store (2 or more), Beauty pageant gate entrance (4 or 5), and Historical display.  We need your valuable input.  If we do not get adequate assistance this year, the future of this 33-year-old tradition will be in jeopardy.  Email Joanne Crouch at or call (803)685-5577 before 9pm.  Leave message and she will respond to you. Have a club or civic group?  Got an idea that we could add to the festival that you think will enhance this family friendly festival.  Scouts need services badges?  Consider using the Harvest Festival to get the work out about you and your group.

RIDGE SPRING FIRE DEPARTMENT BENEFIT In Memory of MICHAEL B. ADAMICK will be held Saturday, May 3, 2014 5:00 pm – til There will be a street dance Street Dance  with MUSIC BY STEELE JUSTICE BAND Tickets are $10.00 for the  BBQ Dinner  that will begin being served at 5:00 PM Bake Sale included. The Auction will begin at 6:00 PM. The event is held at the Ridge Spring Fire Department near the town square. 
Effie Martin
SPRING BREAK 2014:  A group from Mount Alpha Baptist church went New York. They had a nine hour tour: visiting The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, The Empire State Building, 911 Memorial, eating lunch in Italy or now it is becoming more of Chinatown etc. They stayed in Philadelphia at the Embassy Suite. In Philadelphia, they visited the National Liberty Museum and Independence Hall.

Mount Alpha Youth Day will be Sunday, April 27, 2014, beginning at 11:00 A.M. The speaker will be Mrs. Sharon Davis Padgett.
Effie Thompson Martin was inducted into the Half Century Club at Benedict College on March 20, 2014.
Congratulations to Robin Wright Mitchell who completed Master of Science Degree in Nursing with Specialization as a family nurse Practitioner from Walden University with a 4.0 GPA. She will walk on July 12th. They only have ceremonies twice a year. Robin has passed the board exam. Robin is a member of Mount Alpha Baptist Church in Ward, South Carolina. She was also inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society. Membership is by invitation only.  
The fourth annual Magnolia Ridge Antiques & Art Gathering takes place on Saturday May 17th from 9 till 4. Joining us this year will be the Palmetto Vintage Tractor Club. Our friend Wilma from the Mennonite community will come with her wonderful baked goods, and the Lutherans Men’s Mission Group will sell breakfast sandwiches and lunch.  Miss Ermine Smalls from Mt Pleasant will be here with her Charleston baskets, all to add to the great array of Antiques and Art.  If you go into our website you will see how beautiful and peaceful it is here at the farm. You can also see photos of past shows and detailed directions…Word of warning, the GPS does not bring you here!!!  There is no entry fee so please just come and enjoy the farm, and the town of Ridge Spring….Bev and Gretchen Arndt
*PS Coffee will be on compliments of the farm
The Town of Ridge Spring needs two people to serve on the Election Commission, this is a volunteer position.  Please call Town Hall for more info.
The RS-M Reunion of 1956 to 1968 will be May 24th at the Civic Center (Old Gym) beginning at 6:00 PM.  Contact Harriet Householder at 803.480.1207.
Pat's Corner will be closed temporarily. Visit us again in May

Rene Miller, RS-M Elem/Middle
Book Fair: Our final book fair of the year will be here from April 25 - May 2. This will be our buy one get one free book fair. 7% tax will still be charged. This is a great time to buy some summer reading for your child.  The fair will be open from 7:50 – 3:00 every day. We will also be open the afternoon of May 1st from 3:00 – 5:45 p.m., just before the Chorus concert. We will also open Friday morning, May 1 during the Mom and Dad breakfast. If you have any questions, or you would like to volunteer to
help during the book fair, you may call 685-2009. Thank you.
Advance ED Survey: Aiken County Public School District would like to ask parents to take part in a Parent Survey as part of its upcoming AdvancED accreditation process. Outside experts will come in to examine our current process for continuous improvement. Part of this process is to gather feedback from our parents. Please visit the survey link at: to complete the survey. All surveys are anonymous. We will have opportunities for parents to take the parent survey in the computer lab on the following dates:
Thursday, April 17 (3:15 - 5:15)
Monday, April 21 (3:15 - 5:15)
Tuesday, April 29 (3:15 - 6:15)
As an incentive, if at least 80% of parents complete the survey, middle school students will receive an additional courtyard and elementary students will receive extra recess time.
Book Parade: We had a very successful Book Parade on Friday, April 4. A special thank you to Brian Derrick from the Ridge Spring Fire Dept. for leading our parade with the fire truck. Thanks also to Sheriff Perry and his deputies for coming out to support our parade and for making it safe for all of us. Thank you, also, to the RSM administration, teachers, and parents for all the support and cooperation in making it a successful Book Parade. We look forward to next year’s parade.

May 3: RS Volunteer Fire Dept. Fund Raiser
May 17: Magnolia Ridge Antique and Art Gathering
June 7: Peach Tree 23 Yard Sale
June 14: Farmers’ Market Opens

Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works

Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at The Ridge Spring Library

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014
The Friends of Ridge Spring has received a grant from AgSouth to help promote our Farmers’ Market.  The money will be used to advertise our market and they will give out bags with their logo.  We are fortunate to receive such support.   Thank You
PLEASE HELP SAVE THE HARVEST FESTIVAL!!!!!!!  The 2014 Ridge Spring Harvest Festival Committee is in desperate need of volunteers to fill the many activities that it takes for Ridge Spring to host a festival.  We need your valuable input.  If we do not get adequate assistance this year, the future of this 33-year-old tradition will be in jeopardy.  Email Joanne Crouch@ or call (803)685-5577 before 9pm.  Leave message and I will respond to you. 
Have a club orf civic group?  Got an idea that we could add to the festival that you think will enhance this family friendly festival.  Scouts need services badges?  Consider using the Harvest Festival to get the work out about you and your group.

Can you believe the beauty that is around us – the azaleas, dogwoods, wisteria and so much more? The South is alive!!!
All are welcome to the Friends of Ridge Spring meeting on this Thursday April 17.  The guest speaker will be Jackie Moore.  It will be held at the Parrish House of the Episcopal Church at 5:00 PM. 
The Town of Ridge Spring needs two people to serve on the Election Commission, this is a volunteer position.  Please call Town Hall for more info.
The RS-M Reunion of 1956 to 1968 needs help with the addresses of  Elaine Blackston class of 1967, Jean Merritt class of 1963, Martha Sue Thornton Brooks class of 1965, and Gene Ray Hutto Class of 1965.
Pat's Corner will be closed temporarily. Visit us again in May

RIDGE SPRING FIRE DEPARTMENT BENEFIT In Memory of MICHAEL B. ADAMICK will be held Saturday, May 3, 2014 5:00 pm – til There will be a street dance Street Dance  with MUSIC BY STEELE JUSTICE BAND Tickets are $10.00 for the  BBQ Dinner  that will begin being served at 5:00 PM Bake Sale included. The Auction will begin at 6:00 PM. The event is held at the Ridge Spring Fire Department near the town square.
Joe Cal Watson’s variation on the Burma Shave signs in his field has already had success.  A lady driving to Colorado stopped by and bought pecans to take as gifts to the ones she was going to visit. 
The Palmetto Tractor Club will be displaying their vintage tractors at the Magnolia Ridge show on May 17th at the Magnolia Ridge Antique and Art Gathering.  Check out the web site.
Peach Tree 23 Yard Sale has a facebook page.  Check it out too.  A few more spaces may be opening up.
The Episcopal Church of the Ridge, Holy Week schedule will be:  Maundy Thursday - Trenton, Our Savior church @ 6:30pm; Good Friday - Edgefield, Trinity church @ noon
Easter Vigil – Trenton; Our Savior church @ 7:00pm; and Easter Sunday - Ridge Spring, Grace church @ 10:00am.  All are welcome:

John Kneece: On April 9, 2014, Spann United Methodist Church (Ridge Spring Charge, Greenwood District) hosted an evening of instrumental music and congregational singing.  Steven Hendrickson, Principal Trumpeter, National Symphony Orchestra, and Bill Wright, Clarinetist (retired), National Symphony Orchestra, accompanied by Kathy Jo Long (wife of Reverend Joe Long, DS, Rock Hill District) presented the instrumental accompaniment to the congregational singing led by Pastor John Kneece.  Mr. Hendrickson also presented two trumpet solos (from works by Handel and Mendelssohn).  Mr. Wright opened the evening with a clarinet jazz rendition of "Amazing Grace." This was the second occasion of Mr. Hendrickson coming to share his talents with the membership at Spann and the surrounding communities, having accompanied congregational singing at the Good Friday Worship in 2012.

 Ridge Spring United Methodist Church:
RSUMC is pleased to announce that every other month The Big Red Box (non perishable food items) will be delivered to Helpful Hands Mission. Helpful Hands is located in Ridge Spring, on Hazard Circle. If you would like to participate please leave your donations either with Jim Campbell or on the Church or Family Life Center porches. A Church member will see that it makes into the Red Box. We will continue to deliver food to the Johnston Food Bank on alternate months.
RSUMC is still looking for children: birth – 4 years of age to participate in My First Books (child receives age appropriate book once a month for a year at no cost to the family). Must have a Saluda County zip code and fall within the age guidelines. Please contact Nanette Hughes, 685.6071 or Pastor Key at Helpful Hands Mission.
RSUMC is on Face Book. Visit our page, like us. The more ‘likes’ the more feedback we receive on how to improve our page. See what’s going on at Church, view pictures, check on events and activities and see what you are missing by not being a part of this vital and energetic congregation.  
The Joe and Betty Watson Family Life Center -FLC (located directly next to the Church on DuBose Street) is available for bridal showers, graduation parties, baby showers, family reunions, meetings. The FLC has a full kitchen, two bathrooms and plenty of parking, large outside area and amble indoor space. Please contact JoAnn Kneece at: 803. 532.2354 to check availability. We welcome the opportunity to open not only the FLC to the community but the Church as well. Please contact us and we will be happy to meet  you as you view these facilities.
RSUMC will be participating in the Easter Services in Ridge Spring. Below is that schedule:

7:00  - Sunrise Service on hill behind Ridge Spring Baptist Church
7:40   - Breakfast hosted by Ridge Spring Baptist Church
8:30 - Morning Worship at Ridge Spring UMC
9:45 - Morning Worship at Spann UMC

RSUMC will host Rebekah Burger and Rachel Burger on May 4, 2014 at the regular 11 a.m. worship service. Join us as they share how their lives were forever changed when they landed in Managua, Nicaragua on January 25, 2014. Through words and pictures they will share their mission with over 300 children. We know you will leave with a full heart.

The OUR SUNDAY BEST TALENT SHOWCASE was held Sunday April 13th at 400 PM at the Saluda Theater.  Five year old Xamiyah Robinson of saluda is the winner and raining champion of the 1st Our Sunday Best Talent Showcase. Get ready for round two coming this summer.  Thank you for your support and thank you Xamiyah.
The Silence
 About six miles from Maastricht. in the Netherlands lie buried 8,301 American soldiers who died in "Operation Market Garden" in the battles to liberate Holland in the fall and winter of 1944-45.  Every one of the men buried in the cemetery, as well as those in the Canadian and British military cemeteries has been adopted by a Dutch family who mind the grave, decorate, and keep alive the memory of the soldier they have adopted. It is even the custom to keep a portrait of "their" American soldier in a place of honor in their home.    Annually on "Liberation Day" Memorial Services are held for "the men who died to liberate Holland." The day concludes with a concert.  The final piece is always “IL Silenzio", a memorial piece commissioned by the Dutch and first played in 1965 on the 20th anniversary of Holland's liberation. It has been the concluding piece of the memorial concert ever since.
This year the soloist was a 13 year old Dutch girl, Melissa Venema, backed by AndrĂ© Rieu and his orchestra (the Royal Orchestra of the Netherlands). This beautiful concert    piece is based upon the original version of taps and was composed by Italian composer Nino Rossi.  Check it out on the internet. 
Jeffrey Clamp: The Ridge Spring-Monetta High School and Middle School Concert Bands participated in the Carowinds Festival of Music on Friday, April 4th. Both groups performed very well. The Middle School band received a rating of "Excellent" from all three judges and the High School band received a rating of "Superior" from all three judges.
Josie Rodgers: We had a wonderful time at Disney World last week! It truly is the most magical place on earth, BUT there is no place like home!  Even my little boy said he was glad to be home. I am impressed with how well the Disney Parks cater to special needs children.  We have received the wonderful news that Leagrace will receive a wish from the Make a Wish Foundation!  Guess where she’ll be going!  This foundation was always special but has a new place in my heart because of their compassion for Leagrace and our friend Janie Powell. 
RSM High News:  The FFA will open its Spring Festival of Flowers April 15-17, with an invitation only event the afternoon of April 14 between 1-5 pm.  On display in the greenhouse are impatiens, lantana, begonias, petunias, marigolds, and vincas as well as tomatoes and peppers.  The RS-M Greenhouse is a fundraiser for the Agriculture Program and proceeds from the sale support Agriculture Education.

Pat Shealy: Everyone is invited to the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Mt. Calvary on Saturday, April 19, at 3:00 pm.  Bring three eggs and an Easter basket and be prepared to have fun finding eggs.  There will be a prize for the most eggs found and for the person who finds the Gold egg.  Refreshments will be served afterward. 
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church will host the Arpad Darazs Singers in concert on Sunday, May 4 at 4:00 pm. This choral group performs several concerts each year at churches throughout the state. The members of Mt. Calvary are honored they have chosen to perform their Spring Concert at our church. Everyone who enjoys beautiful music is invited to join us for this free concert. A reception will follow the concert.  The Arpad Darazs Singers are from the Midlands. In October 2013, they celebrated the twenty-sixth anniversary of their first public performance. Their musical mentor, Dr. Arpad A. Darazs , came to the United States from Hungary in  1957. Dr. Darazs joined the faculty of the University of South Carolina in 1966. He founded the University of South Carolina Concert Choir and the Palme to Mastersingers. He also conducted the Columbia Boys Choir, the Columbia Barbershop Chorus, and the First Presbyterian Church Choir. Dr. Darazs died in 1986. Robert D. Neese, Jr., along with several other USC music alumni, formed the Arpad Darazs Singers in 1987 and has been its sole conductor.  Johnston residents, Connie and Butch Austin, are members of this choral ensemble.
Joanne Crouch, AARS President
          Saturday, May 10th from 10-noon will be a Dip N’ Splash special event for Mother’s Day-Mother-Daughter Casual Tea.    We will provide the tea and cookies, paint and supplies and you enjoy the experience of taking the time to do an activity with that someone special.  Cost of class is $40 for mother and daughter.  Space is limited to 6 mother-daughter pairs, ages 8 and up.  Some spots are still available.  Contact Joanne Crouch at or call 803.685.5577. 
The art Center in Ridge Spring is open every Friday and Saturday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.  We will be open during the Peach Tree 23Yard Sale.
Rene Miller: RSM Elem/Mid News
Congratulations to our K5 teacher, Retta Havird. Mrs. Havird was chosen as one of the five finalists for the Aiken County Teacher of the Year. She is now a part of the 2014-2015 Honor Court. The finalists were chosen from 37 school-level teacher of the year winners. The Aiken County teacher of the year will be announced on April, 28, 2014.
Registration for 4 and 5 year old kindergarten for the 2014-15 school year will be held at Ridge Spring-Monetta Elementary/Middle School on April 16 and 17:
All students entering school for the first time are requested to provide the following documents:
1. Birth Certificate (long form that includes parents' names)
2. Social Security Card
3. Immunization Card/DHEC Form #1148
4. 2 Proofs of residency (any 2 bills registered in your name)
5. Proof of Income (for 4K registrants only)
For complete immunization requirements call 1-800-27-SHOTS or visit
Age Requirements: Child Development (4K): 4 years old by September 1 Kindergarten (5K): 5 years old by September 1
April 17: Friends of Ridge Spring Meeting @5:00 PM
May 3: RS Volunteer Fire Dept. Fund Raiser
May 17: Magnolia Ridge Antique and Art Gathering

Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at The Ridge Spring Library

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 7, 2014

2014 Harvest Festival

PLEASE HELP SAVE THE HARVEST FESTIVAL!!!!!!!  The 2014 Ridge Spring Harvest Festival Committee is in desperate need of volunteers to fill the many activities that it takes for Ridge Spring to host a festival.  We need your valuable input.  If we do not get adequate assistance this year, the future of this 33-year-old tradition will be in jeopardy.  Email Joanne Crouch@ or call (803)685-5577 before 9pm.  Leave message and I will respond to you. 

Pat's Corner will be closed temporarily. Visit us again in May

RIDGE SPRING FIRE DEPARTMENT BENEFIT In Memory of MICHAEL B. ADAMICK will be held Saturday, May 3, 2014 5:00 pm – til There will be a street dance Street Dance  with MUSIC BY STEELE JUSTICE BAND Tickets are $10.00 for the  BBQ Dinner  that will begin being served at 5:00 PM Bake Sale included. The Auction will begin at 6:00 PM. The event is held at the Ridge Spring Fire Department near the town square.

RS-M Reunion is coming in May on the 24th.  There are several of you that need to get your money in so we do not go in the hole like we did last time.  With the gernocity of anonymous alumni we did not go in the hole that much but there was none left over to give to the RS_M High School faculty.  There are a few we cannot get in touch with and they are Class of 68 Janie Eula Quattlebaum and Janice Marie Workman.  The representatives of that class are Sandra DuBose and Mary Edmonds.  Please contact me at  or at 803.480.1207 with any information.

White flag iris is in bloom.  My grandmother said that was the flag letting you know spring is here.
Do you remember the Burma Shave signs? Our town now has our own as you come into town from Batesburg on highway 23.  Joe Cal Watson has put them up in his orchard about pecans.  Different readings will be coming.  The one I remember from the 50s or 60s was on Highway #1 going into Gilbert from Ridge Spring that read Henry the VIII Sure Had Trouble, Short-term Wives, Long-term Stubble, Burma Shave.
Fresh asparagus is in and may be purchased at the Fallaw’s.  Just follow the signs fount near Monetta.  Strawberries are next.
Pollen is here with a vengeance.  Have you been driving and wondering if you are going into a cloud of smoke then realize it is pollen. 
It is the Masters Week.  Perhaps we will attract some tourists to our town.  FORS did place rack cards in the Aiken Welcome Center.
Clematis is blooming.  The wisteria and dogwoods really dress up everything.  The yellow jasmine, our state flower, is in full bloom (I consider it a weed if it gets into my flower garden, though.) 

The Palmetto Tractor Club will be displaying their vintage tractors at the Magnolia Ridge show on May 17th at the Magnolia Ridge Antique and Art Gathering.  Check out the web site
Peach Tree 23 Yard Sale has a facebook page.  Check it out too.  Report is there are only a few public places left in our town.
Friends of Ridge Spring will meet Thursday April 17 at the Parrish House of the Episcopal Church, located at the end of Green Street across from Pat’s Antiques.  Join us.
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church will host the Arpad Darazs Singers in concert on Sunday, May 4 at 4:00 pm. This choral group performs several concerts each year at churches throughout the state. The members of Mt. Calvary are honored they have chosen to perform their Spring Concert at our church. Everyone who enjoys beautiful music is invited to join us for this free concert. A reception will follow the concert.
The Arpad Darazs Singers are from the Midlands. In October 2013, they celebrated the twenty-sixth anniversary of their first public performance. Their musical mentor, Dr. Arpad A. Darazs , came to the United States from Hungary in  1957. Dr. Darazs joined the faculty of the University of South Carolina in 1966. He founded the University of South Carolina Concert Choir and the Palmetto Mastersingers. He also conducted the Columbia Boys Choir, the Columbia Barbershop Chorus, and the First Presbyterian Church Choir. Dr. Darazs died in 1986. Robert D. Neese, Jr., along with several other USC music alumni, formed the Arpad Darazs Singers in 1987 and has been its sole conductor.  Johnston residents, Connie and Butch Austin, are members of this choral ensemble.

The OUR SUNDAY BEST TALENT SHOWCASE will be next Sunday April 13th at 400 PM at the Saluda Theater.  Special performances by local artists and is sponsored by The Helpful Hands Community Mission in Ridge Spring SC.  Grand prize in $100.00 and a $2.00 donation at the door will be appreciated. Children 16 and under will be free.
 Joanne Crouch, AARS President. 
     Saturday, April 12 from 2-4pm, Donna Minor will host a class, “Rustic Easter Basket.”  The project will be a small gourd with pine needle weaving with a rustic handle.  Class fee of $35 will cover all supplies and materials.  Ages 10 and older. 
     Saturday, May 10th from 10-noon will be a Dip N’ Splash special event for Mother’s Day-Mother-Daughter Casual Tea.    We will provide the tea and cookies, paint and supplies and you enjoy the experience of taking the time to do an activity with that someone special.  Cost of class is $40 for mother and daughter.  Space is limited to 6 mother-daughter pairs.
Josie Rodgers
Thank you for all your prayers!  My grandson River does NOT have a liver disorder!  Because Leagrace’s Citrullinemia is a genetic disorder, there was a possibility that River could also have it.  He does not, and we are grateful.  Have I said lately how beautiful my grandbabies are?
RSM Teachers of the Year:  Congratulations to K5 teacher, Retta Havird, and high school English teach Mrs. Kayla Hostetler, for being chosen as two of the 5 finalists for the Aiken County Teacher of the Year. Both ladies are now a part of the 2014-2015 Honor Court. The finalists were chosen from 37 school-level teachers of the year. The Aiken County Teacher of the Year will be announced April, 28, 2014.  What an honor for our small community to have 2 on the Honor Court!
RSM High News:  The FFA will open its Spring Festival of Flowers April 15-17, with an invitation only event the afternoon of April 14 between 1-5pm.  On display in the Agriculture Department’s greenhouse are impatiens, lantana, begonias, petunias, marigolds, and vincas as well as tomatoes and peppers.  The RS-M Greenhouse is a fundraiser for the Agriculture Program and proceeds from the sale support Agriculture Education. Come see the displays and make a purchase to support agriculture at RSM High.
The National Beta Club, under the guidance of Mrs. Lee McCall, inducted new members Feb. 27:  Deshondria Abney, Ty’Miyah Tyler, Amber Bailey, Baylee Williams, Alicia Key, Andrew Moyer, Ethan Aimar, Auston Garcia, Noah Scott, Miranda Middlebrooks, Joelle Leguizamon, David Leguizamon, and Denaja-Juan Padgett.  Beta Club officers are President Aly Cromer, Vice President Brandon Tarleton, Secretary Cristal Gonzalez, and Treasurer Quameshia Gantt. 
RSM High held a Renaissaince Pep Rally, a celebration of student and teacher accomplishments for the third quarter.  The Color Guard opened the assembly with a stellar performance in costume.   The drama team presented two intriguing monologues.  Micala Fox gave a speech on “class,” a plea for her generation to step up to the plate to display noble character.  Students with perfect attendance for the third quarter and those on Honor Roll were celebrated as well.  The “Student of the Month” and the “Staffulty Member of the Month” were hailed, and two poems were recited by Rap Leaphart and Belle Key.  The Drum Line concluded the festivities.
The Teacher of the Month for March was English teacher and drama instructor Ms. Kerry Jackson, nominated by Tiana Oakman-Tucker.  The Student of the Month, Sergio Osuna-Perez, was nominated by Mrs. Holley and chosen by the faculty. 
The Virtual Enterprise Class, under the instruction of Ms. Janice Douda, participated in a conference in Myrtle Beach Mar. 8-10.  The group competed in categories of booth display, website, commercial business cards, and flyers.  The students learned a great deal about real-world business ventures and how to work with others. 
A new stop sign has been placed at the intersection in front of the school’s library thanks to the concern of Mr. Wintrode and the creativity of Patrick Padgett and Jamie Hartley.  Please be aware of school traffic always, especially at this intersection.
May 26 will be the final snow make-up day for RSM schools. Graduation has been set for Fri., June 6, at 6 pm at the USC-Aiken Convocation Center.
 Rene Miller: RSM Elem/Mid News
RSM would like to thank Aiken Electric for their generous donation to our RSM Special Olympic participants. Pizzas were bought for our students during their participation at the Spring Games at Midland Valley Mar. 28.
RSM would like to send a great big thank you to the Ridge Spring Woman’s Study Club for their generous donation of $2000 to our media center!
Terrific Kids for March for Self-Control: Matthew Fuller-Leistner, Romeo Ruiz, Karina Ventura-Perez, Trevon Williamson, Fredy Mendez-Cabana, James Smith, Jemmell Morris,  Honesty Monroe, Madisyn Odekirk, Conner Martin, Ramiro Zuniga,  Emma Puckett, Omari Morris,  Tamia Hill, Logan Gentry, Kyla Padgett, Gabriel Rueda, Stephanie Portillo, Alisha Brooks, Haley Long,  Isaias Figueroa, Seth Fallaw, Ashlyn Floyd,  Katelyn Matranga, John Layton, Brenna Edwards, Davon Harrison,  Ally Poe, &  Philip Powell.  Teachers were Coach Bundrick and Mrs. Melville.
First graders visited the Ruth Patrick Science Center Mar. 17. Students used computers to create graphs, observed constellations in the planetarium, and learned about cold-blooded creatures. The trip provided hands-on opportunities which enhanced the learning experience. The trip was truly a rewarding experience!

April 13: Talent Show sponsored by Helpful Hands Community Mission
April 17: Friends of Ridge Spring Meeting @5:00 PM
May 3: RS Volunteer Fire Dept. Fund Raiser
May 17: Magnolia Ridge Antique and Art Gathering

Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books.  Please call Pat Asbill if you are interested in volunteering. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at The Ridge Spring Library