Monday, July 22, 2019

July 19,  2019
Ridge Spring News
Harriet Householder

Laura Walker: Community Cat Clean-up Coming Soon!!!!  I am pleased to announce that the Town of Ridge Spring will be hosting a mobile unit from the Humane Society of Columbia on August 5. Why you ask? Well, we have a threat of RABIES on our doorstep after the rabid animals in Ward..PLUS we have real problems with overpopulations of feral cats. So love our Mayor Pat Asbill and so many more community-minded animal-loving souls for they have made it possible to get your feral cat/barn cat spayed or neutered plus vaccinated for RABIES for a mere $19....right here in town!!!. Benefactors have provided the hardware for humane trapping and then carrying your post-operative patient home in a clean cat carrier in addition to that great deal of a reduced cost.. So here's the deal. let's stop inviting the coyotes into town to feed on kittens, let's stop flirting with RABIES, let's show how we really want the best for our furry friends, let's start reducing our homeless pet populations and the spread of disease from wandering cats,, and let's stop feeling alone in dealing with this.  It's $19 in 2019, August 5, if you want to reserve your cat's appointment call or write me Laura Walker at (803) 685-6189!  And don't worry if you are disabled or elderly, someone will help you with the traps and animals.

FORS would like to give a big thank you to James Scott for speaking and signing his book, Changing Faces, in Ridge Spring. This book is about hardships, heartaches, having fun, working and growing up in and around Ridge Spring. He also goes on to tell of his career life in the military. This book can be bought from Amazon or checked out from the Ridge Spring Library. You want be disappointed. Thanks to James's family, Mayor Pat and Capers, and all others whom helped with this event. Mayor Pat reported that they did have 50   chairs, but quit counting the number of people at the signing when it reached 103. 

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Homecoming & Revival with Evangelist Bobby Earls
Sunday, August 11th @ 11:00 am with Homecoming Dinner served immediately following the service.  Revival services continueSunday evening @ 6:00 pmMonday - Wednesday services held at 7:00 pm.  Come join us and prepare your hearts to receive a blessing.

The Ridge Spring Farmers' Market is a wonderful asset for our town.  We were so fortunate to have had Emma Jeannette Carr to be a great part of it.  Titan Farms is continuing to share the bounty of the land with customers each Saturday.  The Market is still going strong so visit the town square between 8:00 and 11:00 or 12:00

Mercantile 23: Just a note about our beautiful new-to-us French doors with individual beveled glass panes. They were black and rough when we purchased them but thanks to the dedication of my talented husband Pat, they are smooth and lovely. Painted with a special Blend of Frenchic Furniture Paint they make a statement of their own. Thanks, Pat for all the adjusting of the size to make them fit and the tedious scraping of the windows. You really made them shine. We have the formula for the paint color if you like it. Drop by to check out our complete line of Frenchic Chalk and Mineral Furniture Paint.  We are thankful for the many that came to the book signing in the old bank building. It was a huge success. So thrilled to meet Lieutenant Colonel James J. Scott and members of his family. I have known his mother, Ms. Rosa for quite a while. I found Mr. Scott to be very gracious. May God continue to richly bless you and your family. Thanks again and welcome to the next chapter of our business in Ridge Spring. We truly do believe the best is yet to come!!
Upcoming events in Ridge Spring include  August 3, Dixie Bell sponsoring a Summer Time Social and August 24Town-wide sidewalk Sale.  Main Street will be lined with deals.  Check it out on facebook.  All the shops are "rearing" to participate. 

Saturday August 31 there will be a Fall Gathering at Ridge Antiques and Dry Goods. There will be fall decorations and  a great selection of quality primitive antiques with Ann Myers, High  Grove Farm, Marie Widener, Primitive Pickens. Stay tune.

Then on September 21st, we have the Magnolia Ridge Antique And Art Gathering.

Watson Family Reunion, August 3, 2019:. If you will attend the reunion, please send a check for $16.97 by July 22 made payable to Mary Edmonds, 4202 Sequoia Road, Columbia, SC 29206. Please let Mary know if you have questions (803-790-7780 or We hope to see you there!

Josie Rodgers
(Leagrace was Josie's young granddaughter who had died. The family allowed her organs to be donated) . Just last week, Amber & Anthony received a letter from the parents of the two-year-old boy who received Leagrace’s heart. Jacob (whose mom’s name is also Amber!) lived for a year after he received Leagrace’s precious heart. Amber was so hoping to hear LG’s heartbeat again one day. Jacob’s parents have two other sons, and they want to meet Amber & Anthony. Please pray for them all because they have suffered such heartbreaking losses and meeting will be another emotional encounter but one full of love and healing.
Attention softball players: On Aug. 3, Annalee Rodgers and Davis Wash, recent graduates of Wardlaw Academy, will host a softball clinic from 8 am- 12 pm at the Edgefield Rec Baseball Fields. Participants will learn sliding and bunting skills, basic hitting skills, infielding and outfielding techniques, and those crazy chants and cheers players yell from the dugout. The day will also include an athletic devotional as well as snacks and drinks. Cost is $50 per girl and is open to girls in 2nd to 6th grade. Rodgers & Wash were starters for the varsity softball team that played for the SCISA state championship for the past 3 years. Both have been consistently won athletic awards from the school and been recognized state-wide for their athletic skill. Text or call 803-480-4783 or 803-522-0586 to reserve your spot.
RSM High: Registration will be held Aug. 6 from 10 am to 6 pm.  We will also hold a make up day Aug. 7 from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Complete the online registration prior to your visit or get help from our staff using the computer lab.

Art Association of Ridge Spring
BASIC QUILTING:    Mackenzye Barfield will be the instructor and held August 3 from 12:00-3:00 pm.  $35 includes top cloth and batting.  Students will bring scissors, quilting thread, water soluble pen, safety pins, quilting needles, 10” embroidery hoop, pin cushion, thimble and backing for your practice piece. The focus of this class is the stitch work and basic quilt construction process.  Students will draw their own design and execute with stitching.  The project is intended to be a start in class to be finished outside of class.  Future classes will add additional stitches and techniques.  Pre-register is a MUST.  To register, contact Joanne at at the Art Center of Ridge Spring on Fridays and Saturdays from 10-2.  Class limit:  8.

Review from David Marshall James:  "The Right Sort of Man" by Alison Montclair
   It's postwar London, still picking up the pieces from the Blitz.  Ration coupons are the order of the day.  A pair of black-market nylons will set milady back four pounds (about 50 bucks in today's $$$).
   Still, there's hope, springing eternal in the human breast if not the gams, and there're Miss Iris Sparks (never wed tho' much-loved) and Mrs. Gwendolyn Bainbridge (a war widow with a young son; both women in their late twenties).  They've set up the Right Sort Marriage Bureau in the midst of bombed-out Mayfair; indeed, all the neighboring edifices have been reduced to rubble.
   The two women have only recently met themselves, but they've made quite a match.  The event being a wedding reception, the idea for their biz has come quite naturally, particularly after repeated replenishment of their champers flutes.
   As for the Bureau:  What better way to get the general population back to populating?
   Things are going swimmingly until one young woman seeking the Right Sort's services turns up stabbed to death in an alley.  All ridiculously hyper-obvious clues point to the young man with whom the Bureau matched the deceased.  Not a good advert for business, that.
   "Sparks" and "Gwen" must save the day, the Right Sort, and the unfairly incarcerated young man who sought the Bureau's services.  Seeing as how Sparks is former Special Forces (she'll have to kill you after she tells what she did for King and Country during World War II) and Gwen is filled with righteous rage at her tyrannical mother-in-law, who has seized custody of Gwen's son, you had best believe that the duo are going to outfox Scotland Yard and spring their client from the clink.
   The dialogue fizzes like fine champagne in this delightful, caper-filled mystery-series debut, as irresistible as a bag of butter toffees at a West End matinee.  Iris and Gwen lead a cast of characters seemingly fresh out of some theatrical confection of the day.  A particular standout is the gargantuan, gangster-ish secretary/aspiring playwright/bill collector who met up with Iris in espionage-training at Cambridge and has carried something of a torch-- and we don't mean a flashlight-- for her since.
   It's full-up, all-out teatime throughout the novel, as if Dame Agatha Christie and Sir Noel Coward had devised a collaboration to lift London out of its postwar gloom.  Get yourself a copy, lie back, and think of England.

Harriet's Garden Tips: From Month to Month Gardening in the Carolinas The seeds of many perennials can be sown either in pots of directly in the garden.  It may take seed-propagated perennials from two to three years to bloom from seed, but some will bloom in less than a year. Start the seeds now outdoors in partially shaded location or in trays indoors. Some examples are Butterfly Weed, Maltese Cross, Purple Cone Flower, Shasta Daisy, and Yarrows.

June 8 - Labor Day in September: Ridge Spring Farmers' Market
August 3: Watson Reunion
            Summer Time Social
August 24: Town Wide Sidewalk Sale
August 31 Fall Gathering
Jeannette Carr Memorial: 864.656.5896,, Jeannette        Carr Memorial, Annual Giving Office, 110 Daniel Drive, Clemson, SC 29631
Ridge Spring Library Hours: Mon. Tues. 9:00 - 12:00; Wed. Thurs. Closed;
            Fri. 10:00 - 4:00; Sat. 10:00 - 1:00.
Ridge Spring Post Office hours:  Mon-Fri. 7:30 am – 11:30 am; Sat 9 – 10 am
Recycling Center Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 1-7; Sat 7-7; Sun 3-7; Tues/Thurs closed
Fridays & Saturdays:  AARS hours 10:00-2:00 or by appt, free admission
Every first Thursday of the Month:  AARS meets at 6:30, 685-5783
Third Thursday: FORS at Town Hall at 5:30 PM
Every 1st Thursday:  Audibel Hearing Center in the back room of Bank
Security Bank Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9-12  1-5, Wed. 9-12
Ridge Spring Town Hall: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm, Sat. 8:30am - 11:30pm

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