Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014
Ridge Spring News
Harriet Householder
Market on the Ridge
Antiques, Artisans
March 22 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Mark your calendars
American Red Cross Fund raiser: A Silent/Live Auction to benefit the American Red Cross of Central SC in Saluda County will be held on Friday. March 7, 2014, 7 to 9 pm at Juniper in Ridge Spring.  Tickets can be purchased from committee members for $35.00 each or two for $60.00.  This includes heavy hors d'oeuvres, wine and beer.  Contact Monnie Romines, Jerrold Watson, Phillips Boatwright or Judy Adamick for tickets.
Effie Martin: Scouting for Food: Pack 300 and Boy Scout 300 scouted for food on February1, and February 8. They collected over 300 items. Some of the items were given to Helpful Hand Community Mission in Ridge Spring and some to Johnston Food Bank. They thank everyone that participated in this community project. 
OLDE TREASURES:  We have a good display of Danny O’Driscoll’s artwork on a wall at the shop.  It is a variety of the work he does and we believe there is something here for everyone.  We also have the artwork of other local artists, Judy Adamick, Mary Chandler and Anne Rauton Smith.  Come by the shop for treasures of all kinds.  One booth has a 40% off sale and other booth have sales and new arrivals.  We look forward to seeing you this week at Olde Treasures where we have new arrivals every week and great prices every day.

CARLENE'S:  Stop by the shop to see the old clocks that we now have; two steeple clocks, one has an alarm, an anniversary clock and an old Telechron electric clock.  All work. Check out our windows.  You will enjoy seeing the old cabinet style Philco radio on display.  Inside you will find a splash of color in some old pieces that have new facelifts; products of our recent chalk painting class.  Come by to see what’s new and exciting.  See you this week.

On April 13th a Talent Show sponsored by Helpful Hands Community Mission will be held at Saluda Theater at 4:00 PM Sunday.  Special performances by local artists and grand prize are $100.00. A $2.00 donation may be given at the door and children 16 and under are free.  For additional information contact George W. Key (803) 480.3963 or go to

JOHN KNEECE (Mission to Cuba – Part 4) After work one afternoon during our stay at John Wesley Methodist Church, we went to downtown Santiago de Cuba.  We walked around the town square looking at the historic buildings and watched the ever-present domino games (we saw them in just about every public park during our trip through the country).  When we returned to our bus (parked about a block off the square) our driver told us that he had arranged a visit to St. Johns Methodist Church about one half block from the bus.  We were met at the gate by the pastor and he led us through the gate/door that opened directly into the sanctuary….a very large structure (think Ridge Spring Baptist) that did not have a permanent roof (the roof being destroyed by storms in the last year or so).  There was a temporary tin roof that almost sheltered about half of the sanctuary.  We have set our sights on this church as a mission opportunity. 
            On the morning of our fifth day in Santiago de Cuba, we said tearful goodbyes to our fellow Christians and workers and began our cross-country bus trip back to Havana.  Once again, we spent an evening at Camp Canaan.  This time, we had enough time to walk from the camp into the town of Miller adjacent to the camp.  The people were friendly and the yard dogs protected their yards just like they do in small towns everywhere. We did surprise a small pig lying in a ditch at an intersection…other than that, just a nice tour.  The next morning, we climbed into the bus again and set out for Havana.  On this leg, we changed our route a little to be able to stop in the seacoast town and resort, Vara Dera, for lunch and a short walk on the beach.  The location is absolutely stunning with palm trees, blue water and white sand.  There are several large resorts in this town.  We had lunch in a beachside café with a thatched roof and the ocean about 60 yards across the beach from where we sat.  Most of us had swimwear in our bags, but no one even mentioned a swim…however, one group of three took a town tour in a classic Chevy while the rest of us checked out the “markets” for souvenirs.
            Back in Havana, we checked back into our lodging at the National Headquarters of the Methodist Church in Cuba.  That evening, we worshipped in Martin Perez Methodist Church in a less prosperous section of Havana.  The neighborhood looked pretty rough, but the inside of the church was beautifully tiled and our worship there fit the mold of enthusiasm, community, and welcome that typified our contacts with fellow Christians throughout Cuba.  I got to preach again (different interpreter…but worked out wonderfully).  We discovered that several of our teammates had worked at this church on a previous mission trip.  They were welcomed like family by the pastor’s family and congregation.  
            After a day recuperating in Havana and some sight-seeing, we boarded an airplane and flew back to Miami.  We were happy to get back to the USA…our first meal on the drive to South Carolina was cheeseburger and fries.  Doug and Della Copper and I got amazing monetary and prayer support from our local churches (Leesville UMC, Ridge Spring UMC, and Spann UMC).  Our team of eleven people was simply inspiring to work with.  I would go again…maybe next time I can help put a roof on St. Johns Church in downtown Santiago de Cuba.

From Harriet Householder at Harriet’s Garden:  Have you seen the tulip bulbs peeking out in threw surprise pots we did last spring?  Another interesting point too: Just wanted to let those of my generation know that I had to call my 8 year old grandson, Carter, and ask him how to work a movie on my kindle.  Of course he knew the answer.  Life is fun all the way around.


American Legion Raffle: The tickets are $5.00 each, and can be purchased at The Nut House, Harriet’s Garden, or from any Legion member. The drawing for the six winners will be held at the Legion Meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 7:00 PM. You do not have to be present to be a winner. Help support this local organization’s fund raiser, and win a prize for your donation

Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon.
Every Friday & Saturday:  AARS hours 10 – 4
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at The Ridge Spring Library

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