Monday, November 11, 2019

November 11,  2019
Ridge Spring News
Harriet Householder

Thursday November 14 from 6:00 to 9:00 Juniper Sets the Night on Fire.  All proceeds go to help support our local Volunteer  Fire Department.  803.685.7547.  Reservations are requested.

The Holiday Season is here and we have our bells on.  Ridge Spring Holiday Extravaganzas will start with the Shoppes of Ridge Spring Christmas Open House on November 16. Refreshments will be served, too. Then there will be Black Friday and Small Business Saturday.  To top it off, there will be Christmas Tree Lighting at the Gazebo on December 1.  Get ready. 

On Sunday November 24th at 2:00 PM there will be an Old Time Revival sponsored by Helpful Hands Ministry.  More about the event next week.

On a personal note, Mt. Alpha celebrated the Veterans Sunday and I had the good fortune to take Joe Cal Watson to the event.  More about it next week.

Landscapes Near and Far: Gwen Power has brought to the gallery a new series of original watercolor paintings of landscapes.  Twenty-five paintings from reference photographs by her sister portray scenes in Aiken and Saluda counties, North Carolina, Florida, Alaska, Canada, Costa Rica, and Greece.  Come see how many of these places you can identify.  These small, unframed paintings make affordable one-of-a-kind gifts and can be easily and cheaply shipped. Stop by the Art Center on Friday or Saturday and get a leg up on your holiday shopping.

Don’t forget our hours are Friday and Saturday 10-2pm. Check us out on our website or Facebook at Art Association of Ridge Spring & Gallery.

23 Mercantile: There have been a few changes to our November workshop schedule!  The workshop on Tues., Nov. 19, will be held at Farmhouse Market & Antiques at1610 West Main Street in Lexington instead of 23 Mercantile in Ridge Spring from 1:00-3:00 pm.  Marian Warner, Frenchic stockist, carries the paint at the Lexington location as well. There have been many requests for paint workshops at Farmhouse Market & Antiques, so we hope this change in location will make it easier for some of you to attend. 
November workshop dates and times are as follows: Tues., Nov. 12, 11-2 in Ridge Spring; Sun., Nov. 17, 2-4 in Ridge Spring; Tues., Nov. 19, 1-3 in Lexington at Farmhouse Market & Antiques; Sun., Nov. 24, from 2-4 in Ridge Spring.

Review from David Marshall James:  "Nothing to See Here" by Kevin Wilson
   What in freak's sake would you do if your twin 10-year-old's spontaneously combusted-- without injury to themselves, only to things close enough to burn?
   Exploit them a la Dumbo, in the circus?
   Lock them away from the World in an asbestos-padded fallout shelter?
   Or be real zen about it all, a la Roseanne?  "Bessie, grab the marshallow bag:  I feel like some s'mores."  Or perhaps, "Roland, hold out your hands, and let's make grilled cheese sandwiches."
   If you're terribly rich and connected, dating far back, like Sen. Jasper Roberts (D-Tenn.), you might well look on your progeny as an awful inconvenience, destined for the full Rosemary Kennedy treatment.  After all, if one aspires to be POTUS, one can't have the kiddies re-burning the White House like the British during the War of !812.
   As the Baroness Schraeder gleefully espouses to Max Detweiler in "The Sound of Music" (1965):  "Darling, haven't you ever heard of a delightful little thing called boarding school?"
   Say, in the Andes.
   Yet, Tennessee author Kevin Wilson sets his latest novel just a stone's throw from the Appalachians, and the story isn't as much about Sen. Roberts as it is about his re-starter wife, (the twins' Mom has checked out on pills; they've been staying, for a hefty fee, at her parents' secluded abode) Madison Billings Roberts, and her BFF, Lillian Breakers.
   Nothing's traditional about Lillian's and Madison's relationship, dating back to another boarding school, for well-heeled (Manolo-ed in moolah) young ladies on a Tennessee mountaintop.  The author, a professor of English at Sewanee, has experienced one or two of the latter in his lifetime.
   And he keeps his quirky, often laugh-out-loud funny tale on bedrock, via expert characterization and dialogue, along with a flowing, seemingly effortless, style.  Although this isn't the latest thriller, you may stay up all night and some hours afterward, eager to learn what the Fates hold in store for Miss Lillian, who becomes governess to twins Bessie and Roland.
   No kidding when "The Sound of Music" was referenced a few paragraphs back.
   When Lillian isn't putting out fires, literally and figuratively, she's getting her life together.  Wilson embeds allegories great and small, as well as symbols and social commentary, into his story, but he doesn't bang you over the head with any of it.
   You can just enjoy the novel and walk away from it.  Or you may wish to linger on the mountaintop and give it s'more thought.  After all, you are in the Smokies.

Josie Rodgers:
Congratulations once again to Alyssa Derrick and her equestrian skills! Alyssa and horse Sweet Skippin Tara competed in the 4H Horse Show and won 5 ribbons in the 6 events they entered. These awards an Overall Champion ribbon and Reserve Champion ribbon. Remember, Alyssa is quite new to the horse competition and is already dominating her events! Alyssa is the daughter of Russell and Amanda Derrick of Ridge Spring.
RSM Elem: Join us for Literacy Night “Get in the Game-READ” Thurs., Nov. 14, beginning at 5:30 pm. After signing in, head to classrooms at 5:45. K4 – 1st grade will be in the library; 2nd and 3rd grade in Room D-15; 4th and 5th grade in Room D-8. At 6:45 closing, grab some snacks on your way out. A Volunteer Workshop will be held at 6 in Room D-5. If you would like to volunteer or go on a field trip with your child, you must attend a volunteer workshop; this is the last one for this semester. No more workshops will be held until after Jan. 14, 2020.
The PTO is sponsoring a Holiday Craft Fair on Sat., Nov. 23, from 9 am to 2 pm at the school. You can rent a school table for $25 and display your crafts and goodies or rent a 10x10 space using your own table/canopy for $35. Indoor and outdoor spaces are available. You can shop from a variety of homemade baked and canned goods as well as handmade gifts and décor. Retail product vendors and local services will also be on hand. Space is limited, so reserve your spot soon. For more information, contact Katrina Rodgers at or Kristine Sasser at
RSM High: Congratulations to the Trojan football team for defeating the Great Falls Red Devils in the first round of the state play-offs. The Trojans won a blowout 40-0.  This week, the Trojans will travel to Whitmire to take on the Region Champion Wolverines.
Congratulations also to Collier Sullivan (RB) and Travionte Dean (DL) who will play in the 7th annual Border Bowl on Jan. 11, 2020. The Border Bowl teams consist of the best senior players in SC and GA and is played at Laney Stadium. Other area players included on the SC roster are Jay Baker, Jequan Harris, Stanley Hill, Josh Pixley, Robert West, & Justin Williams (STHS); and Noah Bell & Dallan Wright (Saluda).
Last Thurs, USC-Aiken players brought a presentation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream to the Ridge. The student body enjoyed the play as the actors brought the action from the stage to the middle of the gym floor so that our students could see and hear better and get into the action. The actors were hilarious and quite talented and even stayed for a Q&A session with our students. Thanks to Ms. Kerry Jackson, our drama instructor, for bringing this event to our school.
RSM’s Farm to Table: Place your orders by Wed for produce on Friday! Contact Janice Douda or the school.

Harriet's Garden Tips: (Last Year's tip again)The pressure of garden work has let up somewhat now, but there are still some chores that must be done.  After the first killing frost spent annuals should be dug and if leaves are dead, cut back the perennials.  Dig up all unhappy looking shrubs.  This is a good time to plant new shrubs and trees for they will have the advantage of winter rains - which we have had a lot.  This week my rain gauge measured 3.5 inches.  Now for the problem of the soil being dry enough to plant those new shrubs.  Prepare your hole by digging a $10.00 hole for a $5.00 plant.   Make it big enough for the roots to spread easily once planted.  Enjoy all seasons!!!!

November 16: Shoppes of Ridge Spring Christmas Open House
November 29: Black Friday Deals Shoppes of Ridge Spring
November 30: Small Business Saturday Visit the small shoppes of Ridge Spring
December 1: Christmas Tree Lighting at the Gazebo
Jeannette Carr Memorial: 864.656.5896,, Jeannette        Carr Memorial, Annual Giving Office, 110 Daniel Drive, Clemson, SC 29631
Ridge Spring Library Hours: Mon. Tues. 9:00 - 12:00; Wed. Thurs. Closed;
            Fri. 10:00 - 4:00; Sat. 10:00 - 1:00.
Ridge Spring Post Office hours:  Mon-Fri. 7:30 am – 11:30 am; Sat 9 – 10 am
Recycling Center Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 1-7; Sat 7-7; Sun 3-7; Tues/Thurs closed
Fridays & Saturdays:  AARS hours 10:00-2:00 or by appt, free admission
Every first Thursday of the Month:  AARS meets at 6:30, 685-5783
Third Thursday: FORS at Town Hall at 5:30 PM
Every 1st Thursday:  Audibel Hearing Center in Ridge Spring
Security Bank Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9-12  1-5, Wed. 9-12
Ridge Spring Town Hall: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm, Sat. 8:30am - 11:30pm

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