Monday, January 7, 2019

January 4, 2019
Ridge Spring News
Harriet Householder
Happy New Year to all!!!

From the Mayor's Desk: For those who did not know, town hall is now open on Saturday mornings from 8:30 until 12:30. Also  utility payments will not be taken after 4:30 daily. Surveying for the work to be done on the plaza (town parking lot) will begin next week and final drawings will be worked on this month.  When work has begun on the town square,  the Farmer's Market  will need to be relocated to the Civic Center. With all the leaves that have finally finished falling, we are asking that you not blow your leaves into the street or into the ditches. This is blocking water movement and causing flooding on several of our streets, in some cases causing accidents where drivers cannot distinguish the edge of the road.
Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous has cancelled its weekly meetings at the Ridge Spring library.  It will be started back up in the new year.  There are meetings in Aiken if interested.
Email address has been corrected again.  Please take note and thanks!!! Boy Scout

Troop 555 and Pack 555 meets 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at Ridge Spring Baptist Church. You may contact Melissa Stover  at They are recruiting new members.

"In 2014 we began working of a project for March."
Friends of Ridge Spring is working on a new project for March.  It will be Market on the Ridge.  This is an exciting project that will benefit all.  Then we have had published the brochure listing the businesses, churches, town and organizations that are part of Ridge Spring.  We paid for the publication through funds from Saluda County ATAX and the Ridge Spring Harvest Festival Bingo.  Hope you look for these new brochures at Town Hall, the library, First Citizens Bank, Juniper and Bank’s Drugs.  We hope to get them out into the businesses.  Sometimes we do not realize all the resources we have in our town.  This h as been updated to Quilting Weekend on the Ridge.  Last year was such a success that we will be doing the Quilting Weekend again.

"In 2014 we had the big reunion but sad to say the last one."
Next, the Ridge Spring Monetta High School Reunion of Classes 1956 to 1968 will be May 24th and the Ridge Spring Civic Center.  Please help by contacting anyone in your class or me at to help us plan this super event.  We need to make sure we reach all that were in the classes with us in elementary or high school period!!!!!  We will send out invitations in February so get on the list!!!  It was a wondertful time for all.   I think we had three of them.  Such good memories for us all!!!

January 2015 New business that is still with us.
Jane Autrey is a new business in Ridge Spring.   She does Insurance Services  803-685-0090.  This includes Home, Auto, Farm, Commercial, Life & Health.  Her office is at 106 Noble Street - Behind Cumbee Place and her hours are Office Hours; Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9am - 5pm
Continuing January  2015
Joe Cal Watson, a veteran of World War II and the Battle of the Bulge, was recognized Saturday with the French Legion of Honor presented by Lt. Col. Ernest Kirby, retired, At  the presentation were Chris Carawan and Vernon Brantley also veterans of World War II and Battle of the Bulge.  After the presentation the men sat at a table in the Nut House and started talking.  Joe Watson and Vernon Brantley had been with the 75th Infantry Division and Chris Carawan was with the 106th Infantry Division, The three men returned to France and Belgium with other veterans this summer on the special Flight commemorating D-Day and World War II.  The French Legion of Honor was presented to the Americans on the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge which lasted from December 16th until January 27th.

January 2016
Look how the changes have come since 2016.  Past Chairmen and Chairwomen of the Ridge Spring Harvest Festival and supporters of the Festival are asked to attend a meeting about the Future of the Festival. It is once again time to think about the future of the Harvest Festival. As most of you realize the committee has been having difficulty getting Chairpersons over the past few years.  This year is no exception.  There seems to be no one willing to step forward this year. Because of your willingness in the past to take on this big event, we need your input as what to do now. We are proposing a meeting of all past chairpersons and interested committee members to come together on January 31 at 3:00 at the Ridge Spring Library to discuss the festival’s future. Mayor Pat Asbill will chair the meeting.  We are trying to make sure we have all the past chairs listed.  Help us get your name.  Ann Marie Taylor and Patrick Arnold have brought  new life to the Harvest Festival and now we are Bar-Be Que Central!!!! WOW!!!

Again in 2016
On Wednesday I read an article about winter salads and guess whose recipe was used plus an interview?  Brandon Velie... He and his wife Jeanne Velie own and run Juniper Restaurant in Ridge Spring (as we all know).  The emphasis on local produce was apparent and so good for all.  He used local baby kale, toasted Nut House pecans and Trail Ridge Farm Goat Cheese salad with Cranberry-Ginger Vinaigrette.  You can make the salad the main course by adding protein such as chicken, or South Carolina Shrimp.  The recipe for the vinaigrette is fabulous too. 
On January 25, 2016
Boy, do we get excited when the snow falls. When we heard the forecast my husband went to the store to get bread and milk.  Somehow we all seem to do that.  And of course the shelves were almost empty. The snow was beautiful for about two hours and it did not stick around.  There was barely enough to make snowballs unless you count the snow on the deck.  It was gone in short order.  We had milk and bread though.  I did see one picture on facebook about the snow covering the peaks of the mountainous fire ant hill.  2019: The temperature is in the 50s.  Rain keeps coming. 

January 2012:
Just a reminder:  We are coming up on the 10th anniversary of the Ridge Spring Farmers’ Market.  More will come in the weeks ahead.  January 2019 means the Ridge Spring Farmers' Market is 17 years old.  Let's keep it going!!!!

Harriet's Garden Tips: I have been writing Harriet's Garden Tips for two years now so I thought I would look back and just copy.  Did not work for I always took January off.  I thought I might give you a tip this month too.  So here goes. 
January can be a cold and damp month.  Now is a good time to make plans for your flower borders.  Send for seed and nurserymen catalogues and study them.  Order early and from reliable dealers and expect to pay fair prices.  A cheap price nearly always brings a poor plant.  Roses can be cut back except the old fashion roses.  These roses can be pruned for shape but do not need the pruning like the more modern roses.  I cut some of my old fashion roses when I remember or to keep them in their proper spaces. 
Be kind to your houseplants at this season.  Always test (touch) the soil to see if the plant really needs watering. 
Ridge Spring Library Hours: Mon. Tues. 9:00 - 12:00; Wed. Thurs. Closed;
            Fri. 10:00 - 4:00; Sat. 10:00 - 1:00.
Saluda Library Hours:  Mon/Wed 8:30 am-5 pm; Tues/Thurs 8:30 am – 6 pm; Fri 8:30    am – 5 pm; Sat closed
Ridge Spring Post Office hours:  Mon-Fri. 7:30 am – 11:30 am; Sat 9 – 10 am
Recycling Center Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 1-7; Sat 7-7; Sun 3-7; Tues/Thurs closed
Fridays & Saturdays:  AARS hours 10:00-2:00 or by appt, free admission
Every first Thursday of the Month:  AARS meets at 6:30, 685-5783
Third Thursday: FORS at Town Hall at 5:30 PM
Every 1st Thursday:  Audibel Hearing Center in the back room of Bank

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