Wednesday, June 28, 2017

July 3, 2017
Ridge Spring News
Harriet Householder
Let us all be enjoying the Fourth of July our Independence Day.  This is a very patriotic reminder of our past, our present  and our future.   God bless America, land that I love....
I may be on vacation but I know the Ridge Spring Market was great as always.  Check out the Ridge Spring Famers' Market facebook page for updates.
 Juniper: In regards to the James  Beard House Dinner that Chef Brandon Velie, wife Jeanne Velie and the Juniper crew prepared:: Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this dream a reality! The farmers and producers that provided all the amazing products for this dinner included Yon family farms, Adluh, Anson Mills, Trail Ridge Farm, Grade A Goat Dairy, Hickory Hill Milk, Titan Farms, Watsonia Farms, Manchester Farms Quail, WP Rawl, The Nut House & Country Market, City Roots, and Carolina Moon Distillery. Thanks to Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits for the great wines. Juniper will be closed for the Fourth of July.
Get ready for the total eclipse coming August 21.

Just a quick reminder of the Friday Night Outdoor Movie at Town Hall will be held July 21.  That movie screen is 20'X40' Town of Ridge Spring along with The Saluda County Chamber of Commerce  will set up a movie screen on the lawn at the new town hall to show Monster Trucks, our first free outdoor movie on Friday, July 21. 
Saluda County Library Summer Reading Program 2017:  Our Summer Reading Program It is for all ages (even adults).   Questions? Call 864-445-4500 x226.  Thursday, June 29th, 10AM The Jolly Lollies! Interactive music and dance!  Friday, July 7th, 10AM  John Tudor  Builds A Better World Magic Show!

Going Down Memory Lane with the Ridge Spring High School Newspaper
Dated December, 1938.
There were pictures of the three school buildings, the center one that has since been demolished was built in 1916.  The storage building behind the water tower was constructed in 1921and the building that is now the art center was constructed in 1938 with the Trustees being Dr. P. A Brunson, chairman; H. M. Watkins, and Ralph Boatwright.  The article in the paper about the new Home Economics and Agriculture building Completion was written by James Derrick.  James Derrick in later years owned and ran Derrick Hardware on Main Street that is now part of Stuff & Things. 

Home Economics And Agriculture Building Completed
            The Ridge spring School is opening this year the first time a  new home Economics and Agriculture Building.  This building a WPA project, was constructed during the summer under the careful supervision of Mr. H. M. Watkins, a member of the board of trustees of our schools.   The teachers, pupils, and patrons of this school are very grateful to Mr. Watkins for the hours of work which he so cheerfully gave to seeing that not one thing was lacking to make this building complete in every detail.  His untiring efforts and the unselfish giving of his time show his keen interest in the welfare of the young people of our community.
            In the basement of this building in a well equipped work shop which is being used by the FFA boys for wood work and farm implements.  The basement is also to be used for a community cannery.  A boiler and pressure cooker have recently been installed.
            The Home Economics Department which is on the first floor consists of a banquet hall, a kitchen , the equipment of which will be completed in the near future and sever rooms already equipped with machinery, tables, cabinets and other necessary things for this work. 
            Several other classes are taught in this building.
            After the completion of this building work was begun to the school campus.  Beside the cleaning of the grounds, cement walks across the campus and connecting the building were laid.  New shrubbery will be added to the school grounds during the winter planting season.
New Lunch Rooms Opened
            This year the Ridge Spring school has its own lunch rooms.  Hot lunches have been served to the first four grades of our school for several years but during that time the food was prepared elsewhere. 
            This year the lunchroom is sponsored by the Winthrop Daughters of Ridge Spring.  The WPA furnishes some of the food and the school children and patrons contribute foods.  Tasty lunches are served hot on time every day.
            The two rooms that were used for this project were formerly used by the agriculture class, but now that this class had been moved to the new building their rooms have been reconditioned, repainted and changed into a kitchen and serving room.  The rooms are kept spotlessly clean and neat by Mrs. Ella Rushton and Mrs. Margie Randall who have charge of the work.  They prepare and serve the meals to approximately one hundred each day.
The Post Office and Railroad
            The post office in Ridge Spring was first established under the name of the Ridge is 1807.  The first postmaster was Stanmore Butler.
            The railroad through this section of the state was completed about 1869 or1870.  We believe Mr. W. E. Carwile was the first depot agent.  Before this time, there was not town to Ridge spring.  It was known as the Ridge.
What would happen if...
-Wallace Steadman, Jr. lost James Derrick?
-Jane Brunson came to school on time one morning?
-Ernest Boatwright learned French?
-Joe Cal Watson wrote his themes on book reports on time?
-Mr. Steadman left off one comma on an envelope he addressed?
-Maynard Watson stopped asking so many questions?
(There were more predictions but fun was had by all.)
Ridge Spring Campus Chatter
Ridge Spring High School, Ridge Spring, SC
Editorials-Ridge Spring Chatter is the official paper of the Ridge Spring High School, issued quarterly by the Senior Class.  Rates are twenty-five cents a year.
Editor In Chief-Mary Elizabeth Brockman, Business Manager-Wallace Steadman, Jr., Circulation Manager-Jane Brunson.
Home Room Editors: eleventh grade-Rheunette Harding, tenth grade-Alice Byrd, ninth grade-Betty Steadman, eighth grade-Mary Derrick. 
Reporters-James Derrick
Faculty Advisor-Mrs. Leroy Bonnette
I hope you enjoyed this trip.  Who knows there might be our time to be part of "Down Memory Lane"  for future generations.

Harriet's Garden Tips:  Aromatic Herbs:  Aromatic herbs have pleasant smelling flowers and foliage.  Oil from these herbs can be used to produce perfumes and other scented products.  When dried, many aromatic herbs will retain their aroma for a considerable time.  Some common herbs include mint, marjoram, lovage, rosemary and basil.  There are some varieties of lavender that will grow in the south.   I found rosemary easy to root and then grow.  Basil is easy to grow from seed. 
Keep deadheading those flowers and do not forget to fertilize often.  Did you get that soil test done?  This is a good time to get those soil samples in for the fall plantings.  With so many pine trees around the soil can be altered to being too acid.
All Summer Saturdays: Ridge Spring Farmers' Market
July 10: vouchers at Saluda Senior Citizen
July 21: Free outdoor movie at Town Hall
August 21: Total Solar Eclipse
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 am - 12 pm; Wed., 8:30 – 4:30; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 8:30 pm -4:30 pm
Ridge Spring Post Office hours:  Mon-Fri. 7:30 am – 11:30 am; Sat 9 – 10 am
Saluda County Library Hours:  Mon/Wed 8:30 am-5 pm; Tues/Thurs 8:30 am – 6 pm; Fri 8:30 am – 5 pm; Sat closed
Recycling Center Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 1-7; Sat 7-7; Sun 3-7; Tues/Thurs closed
First Thursday of the Month:  AARS meets at 6:30, 685-5783
Third Thursday of the Month: FORS at Library at 5:00; no meetings in July and August

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