Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30, 2016
Ridge Spring News
Harriet Householder

Memorial Display: The Ridge Spring American Legion and Auxiliary Post 133 has a Memorial Day display in the Town Square. There is a memorial ribbon for each serviceman killed during wars from the Ridge Spring, Monetta and Ward areas. John and Nola Burger designed and made the display, and this is the thirtieth consecutive year that the fallen soldiers have been honored on Memorial Day.
Boiled Peanuts... The Caviar of the South... Goobers... They go by many names and everyone has a different way of making them. One thing we can all agree on is no one does them better than the South, more specifically in South Carolina. Is your recipe the best? Do you have what it takes to win? Find out June 11 by entering our Boiled Peanut contest. More details will be coming out soon.
Come rain or shine the Peach Tree 23 Yard Sale is here!!!!!  The Highway 23 goes through Modoc, Edgefield, Johnston, Ward, RIDGE SPRING, Monetta, and Batesburg-Leesville.  Friday and Saturday are the days to come.  Who knows what you will find.  You know the saying, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.”
Public Notice
Pursuant to Section 6-1-80 of the S.C. Code of Laws a public notice is hereby given that the Ridge Spring Town Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2016-17 on Thursday June 9, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Ridge Spring Library, 636 E. Main Street, Ridge Spring, S.C.  
Current Fiscal Year Revenue: $1,122,550.00
Projected Revenue for 2016-2017: $1,158,250.00
Percent Change: 3.13%
Current Year Millage: 95 mills     
A copy of the proposed budget is available for inspection at Town Hall during regular business hours. Written or oral comments concerning the proposed budget may be presented at the public hearing.        

The Saluda County Library would like to encourage everyone to sign up for the Summer Reading Program 2016.  Come by the Saluda County Library at 101 S. Main Street to sign up or you may sign up at their website starting June 1st! – Click on Summer Reading!  There are prizes for all ages, including babies, children, teens and adults!  You will also want to mark your calendar for the Summer Reading Events which will begin Friday, June 3rd at 10 a.m. with the Marionette Theatre presenting The Tortoise and the Hare.  This event will be at the Saluda Theatre.  Remember that all events are free and for all ages.  You can pick up a schedule for all the events at the Ridge Spring or Saluda County Library or you can go to the library website.
Arthur Kenner: Jerusalem Baptist Church will have its Vacation Bible School June 7th - 9th from 6:30 until 8:00.
RIDGE SPRING UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: The congregation of Ridge Spring United Methodist Church invites the community to a Retirement Drop In for John Kneece. The Drop In will be June 12, 2016, from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. with a light lunch served. Join us at the Family Life Center, adjacent to the Church. At the end of June, John will retire from the ministry. For the past 20+ years, John has ministered to both Spann UMC and RSUMC. He has been active not only at church but in the community. Please come and share you memories and good wishes as John enters another phase of his life. He has been and is a treasure to us and will be missed.

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church: Vacation Bible School here at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church.  This year’s theme is “Submerged”.  From June 4-9, take your kids on an adventure like no other, deep within the mysterious sea. As kids submerge themselves in God’s Word, they will discover that Jesus didn’t just see what’s on the outside of people. He looked deep down on the inside. So grab your goggles, step into your flippers, and dive-in to find truth below the surface!

Josie Rodgers

It’s the last week of school for many of us!  We are tired and ready for a break; okay, the kids are, too!  Most teachers will be working this summer teaching summer school, attending training seminars, and/or taking classes.  My hope is that we recharge, relax, and renew ourselves so that we can continue our journeys to change the world one child at a time.  I myself have some serious goals for this summer and appreciate your prayers as I challenge myself to improve overall as an individual, family member, and teacher. 
Palmetto Dance Academy:   The annual showcase is Sun., June 5.  The theme is Under the Big Top, a circus adventure to celebrate 15 years of PDA!  The first show starts at 3 pm and features our Johnston students and advanced Saluda students.  The second show starts at 5:30 featuring all Saluda students, and seniors Brooklyn Newman, McKenna Palmer, Elizabeth Robertson present their senior pieces.  Admission is $10 for ages 6 and up.  Doors open at 2:30 and 5 pm.  PDA is also currently registering for summer and fall classes. Space is limited and classes fill up quickly, so register ASAP!  Email with questions.
The RS-M Young Farmer Organization will meet June 16 at 7 pm in the RSM High cafetorium.  The SC Farm Bureau will present the topic “Agriculture Advocacy.”  Aiken County Farm Bureau will sponsor the meal served, and the public is invited.  RSVP Michael Crim by June 14 at 803/480-0386 or with the subject “YF Meeting.”
RSM Elem (Rene Miller):  Congratulations to Keagan  Gentry  and  Randy Renteral in Mrs. Shealy’s Second Grade Class.  At the beginning of the year, Mrs. Shealy set a goal of reading 100 books on Ticket To Read.  The class celebrated on May 20 for Keagan, and May 23 for Randy with ice cream parties.  In addition to the class celebration of “Keagan Day” and “Randy Day,” they both received a gift basket containing books and several other prizes. 
The end-of-school musical will take place on June 2 at 8:30 am. Students may dress up: K5 & 1st grade: sailors or pirates; 2nd & 3rd grade: sailors; 4th & 5th grades: pirates.
Area 4 Bus Transportation Registration for the 2016-2017 school year will take place on June 27 (10 am-2 pm) and June 28 (1 pm-5 pm) at the RSM Middle/High Cafeteria. Call 803/ 685-2103 for more details.
The 5th grade Walk/Jog Club reached their goal of walking the 212 miles it takes to get to Myrtle Beach!  Great job walkers!  Rising 5th graders, be ready to join the club next year and start walking!
RSM Summer Reading information will come home with report cards. Each child that participates will be rewarded with a ticket to an RSM varsity football game and a varsity basketball game. Information and reading log will also be available on the school’s website.
First in Math: Our students have been competing against themselves, students in our school, and all across the nation to boost their math skills. This is our final update to let you know who is in the lead within our school. For the week ending May 20, RSM has completed 642,474 math problems and earned 214,158 stickers. The team of the week is Mrs. Ford’s 3rd grade class, and her student Briston Matthews is the player of the week is Briston Matthews with 1951 stickers.  The top teams for each grade level are Mrs. Hallman (K5), Mrs. Carson (1st grade), Ms. Martin (2nd grade), Mrs. Ford (3rd grade), Mrs. Byer (4th grade), Ms. Young (5th grade).
RSM High:  Graduation is this Friday, June 3, at 3 pm at the USC-Aiken Convocation Center.  You must have a ticket to attend.  Congratulations to the Class of 2016 for all of their accomplishments and best wishes for bright futures!

Review from David Marshall James:  "Stealing the Countess" by David Housewright
   Her name almost invites theft:  The Countess Borromeo.  When she disappears following a summer concert-in-the-park in a Wisconsin resort town on Lake Superior, her lover is willing to pay 250 G-spots for her safe return.
   Shouldn't the police be searching for the missing countess?  What about the FBI?  Yes and yes, they are, but their aim is to haul in a perp as well as the missing Stradivarius.  Yes, the Countess Borromeo is a $4 million-plus violin, and, when maestro Paul Duclos speaks of her, it's as if she's the great love of his life.
   That, even though he's wed to the manager of the foundation that supplied him with his instrument. The reader could enter into a rather Freudian discussion of that scenario, but let's leave it for some Minnesota winter's night, before the fire.
   The maestro just wants to be able to fiddle on his fiddle once more, so to speak, and the perp be damned.
   The constabulary, along with the countess's insurers, want a conviction in the case.  The insurance company is refusing to pony up a reward without that conviction.
   So, the maestro fears he may never handle the countess again.  So, he contacts another maestro-- former St. Paul, Minnesota, cop turned millionaire turned favor granter, Rushmore McKenzie.  In McKenzie's for-instance, "favor granter" translates as "pro-bono P.I."
   McKenzie's off in his new, tricked-out "Stang," a gift from his significant other, Nina Truhler, who owns Ricky's:  The cool restaurant/bar/jazz club where McKenzie hangs out in-between granting favors.  As in, "Everyone comes to Rick's."  Or, Ricky's.  Google that if you don't get it.  It's important to be pop-culturally with-it, beyond last month's electronic midden of text messages.
   Much of this thirteenth McKenzie novel is set in that Wisconsin resort town where the maestro lost the countess.  Why would he be performing there?  He's a hometown boy, which adds more layers to the story than one of Ricky's chocolate/raspberry tortes.
   Author David Housewright sets up a winning locale in yet another winning mystery, which he brings to a crescendo with a Benadryl-busting sting, followed by a satisfying denouement.
   Yet the concert isn't over until the re-appearance of Heavenly Petryk, the alluring woman of mystery who popped into the proceedings of a previous McKenzie novel, "The Curse of the Jade Lily."  Miss Heavenly has a thing about booty, missing and otherwise.  McKenzie figures that she's the flip side of Nina Truhler.  Now, that's Freudian.
Recycling Center Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1-7; Saturday 7-7; Sunday 3-7
Closed Tuesday and Thursday
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 am - 12 pm; Wed., 12:30 – 4:30; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; Fri 8:30 pm -4:30 pm
Ridge Spring Library Toddler Time Mondays at 10:30
3rd Thursday:  FORS at Ridge Spring Library 5:00 pm
1st Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets at 6:30, 685-5783

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