Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016
Ridge Spring News
Harriet Householder

The Harvest Festival would like to welcome its new chairwoman, Ann Marie Taylor, who lives in Ridge Spring and works for the Edgefield County Schools. Ann Marie will be having the first organizational meeting in May. Watch for the announcement for the meeting.
Keep an eye out for non-motorists on the road, such as bikes, lawnmowers, and golf carts. With the time change and the days getting longer,  the sun can really play havoc  interfering with the driver’s vision.  By the way, many of us thought spring had sprung and summer was closer than we thought.  But alas, the frost happened this week and the cooler temperatures were back.  Even I almost left something out that had to be brought in. 
Pastor Key: The Helpful Hands 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be March 26th 12:00 noon at The Brush Arbor Park, 1095 Keys Pond Rd. Ridge Spring, S.C. Easter Sunrise Services will be Sunday March 27th at the Helpful Hands Life Center. 109 Pecan Grove Rd Ridge Spring S.C. Fellowship Breakfast will be served at 7:00am Service will follow. The Helpful Hands Food Bank is open every Sunday after Service.
Wonderful news:  Samantha McClure applied for a $1000.00 grant from AgSouth to help the Ridge spring Farmers’ Market and it was awarded to our Market.  The money will be used to promote the Market and acknowledge AgSouth’s support.  Thank you, Samantha.
The Consul General of France in Atlanta Denis Barbet honored 6 veterans from South Carolina and North Carolina with the French Legion of Honor this week in Columbia.  Our own Joe Cal Watson of the Nut House was among the six.  The National Order of the Legion of Honor is the highest honor given by France.  I have done several articles with stories by Joe about his time during World War II.  He fought in the Battle of the Bulge and was wounded during the war.  He came home at the end of the war and settled back down to grow pecans and be a part of our community.  We are so thrilled that he was recognized in such a wonderful way. A picture of him and of the medal are on :town of Ridge Spring” facebook.

Easter:  Church services for Ridge Spring United Methodist Church (RSUMC) on Easter Sunday will be at 8:30 a.m. Please make a note of this time change and join us for Church. We will save you a seat.

Big Red Box: The month of March the Big Red Box (BEB) will be accepting non perishable food donations for the Bethel Baptist Back Pack ministry. Items such as juice boxes, Yahoo, micro wave meals, crackers, noodles are some examples, but nothing that needs refrigeration. Please join us in helping to ensure no child or their family goes hungry over the weekend.
Face Book: RSUMC has a Face Book page. Visit and like us and view photos and find out what’s going on.
Notice:  As spring arrives and you get the urge to clean: DON’T take old shoes to goodwill or throw them away. RSUMC has a need for them and it will be explained in upcoming news columns!

Essential Oils Make it and Take It with Arlene Puryear.  $15.  Saturday, March 26th from 10-12. 
Alcohol Inks on gourds instructed by Joanne Crouch, Saturday, April 9th from 2p-5p; Fee $25.00
Ages 12 and up.  Supplies provided.  Suggestion:  Bring gloves.
Polymer Clay Class instructed by Candace Bush, Saturday, April 16th from 9a-1p; fee $35.00; Students will need to bring a clay extruder to class (Makins or Walnut Hollow brands are reasonably priced)
The Art Center of Ridge Spring is open each Friday and Saturday from 10-4.  Contact or or call (803)685-5577 and leave message to reserve place in classes. 

Rene Miller RSM Elementary School
First in Math: Our students are competing against themselves, students in our school, and all across the nation to boost their math skills. We will update biweekly in the school newsletter to let you know who is in the lead within our school.  For the week ending March 4: Our school has completed 579,258 math problems. We have earned 193,086 stickers.The team of the week is Ms. Martin’s 2nd grade class. The player of the week is Cheyenne Gergen. She earned 420 stickers. She is in Mrs. Rodgers’ 1st grade class.
The top team for each grade level is: Kindergarten: Mrs. Hallman’s class; 1st Grade: Mrs. Rodgers’ class; 2nd Grade: Mrs. Martin’s class; 3rd Grade: Mrs. Dressel’s class;
4th Grade: Mrs. Thompson’s class; 5th Grade: Ms. Young’s class
4K Spring Registration for 2016-2017 School Year is from March 7 to April 29 from 9 am – 2 pm. Please bring  official long-form birth certificate,  current immunization record,  2 proofs of residency,  W2 and paystub or Medicaid card, and one of the above documents (W2 or paystub), parent ID.  All documents must be collected and registration forms completed by April 29th or your child will not be considered for admission to our 4-K program. Any questions, call Mrs. Abellan at 685-2006

From David Marshall James: "What a Time It Was!  Leonard Lyons and the Golden Age of New York Nightlife" by Jeffrey Lyons
  Once upon a time, Gen. Douglas MacArthur and family lived in a penthouse atop The Waldorf Astoria.  Cole Porter also called The Waldorf home, as did the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, when in New York City.  The Windsors even converted their apartment's dining room into a clothes closet.
   Farther uptown, The Oak Room at The Plaza hotel provided ringside seats to Central Park South.  Up and coming authors Truman Capote and Gore Vidal often lunched in The Oak Room at The Plaza, before they started suing one another.  Capote, that Southern boy at heart, claimed The Oak Room offered the best chicken hash in the city; indeed, that was served for midnight luncheon at his famed Black and White masked ball at The Plaza in 1966, which was to parties what Woodstock was to concerts.
   Those names not ringing a bell?  Well, the reader is in for a 20th-century pop-cultural fete in this compilation of succulent bits, tid- and rare-, from Leonard Lyons, whose The Lyons Den column ran daily in The New York Post from 1934 to 1974. Lyons stalked New York cafe society from The Waldorf to The Plaza, including:    Sardi's, the restaurant famous for its Broadway first-nighters;    El Morocco, the nightclub famous for its zebra-striped banquette seats, perfect for a Lyons;    "21," famous for its steaks (Joan Crawford preferred hers fried in butter, when not settling for calf's liver);    Lindy's, famous for its cheesecake and blintzes;    The Copacabana, famous for its live entertainment;    Toots Shor's, famous for its sports-figure clientele; and The Stork Club, famous for attracting the famous from all walks of life.
   Then as now, there were celebrities whose name recognition far exceeded their accomplishments.  Witness the Gabors, mere et trois filles.  Much bigger than their figurative offspring, the Kardashians (Zsa Zsa is scaring the hell out of 100), the Gabors were bedecked with better jewels, and brassieres.
   Encore-- this is a veritable encyclopedia of 20th-century pop-cultural figures, all of whose roads crossed on the streets between The Waldorf and The Plaza.  Cheers to Leonard Lyons for preserving the history that you won't find in history books, and to his son Jeffrey, for placing that history between the covers, where it rightfully belongs.

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church is sponsoring a yard sale and bake sale on Saturday, April 2 from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm to benefit the outreach ministries of the church. This event will take place inside the Mt. Calvary Fellowship Center located behind the church building at 1186 Mt. Calvary Road, Johnston. The men of the church will also be selling breakfast items – sausage biscuits, sweet rolls and coffee. Proceeds from their sales go toward their annual service projects.

MAGNOLIA RIDGE ANTIQUE AND ART GATHERING will be held on MAY 21st from 9:00 AM UNTIL 4:00 PM. To save a spot please call 561.262.7475 or email

Several weeks ago I was having trouble with my Google account.  If for some reason you are not getting the news, please let me know.  Communication is so important to us today. Even Pope Francis now has an “Instagram” account.

Recycling Center Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1-7; Saturday 7-7; Sunday 3-7
Closed Tuesday and Thursday
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 am - 12 pm; Wed., 12:30 – 4:30; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; Fri 8:30 pm -4:30 pm
Ridge Spring Library Toddler Time Mondays at 10:30
3rd Thursday:  FORS at Ridge Spring Library 5:00 pm
1st Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets at 6:30, 685-5783
 Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works

 Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7 pm at Recovery Works (enter on Ponderosa Drive; park in Visitor Parking Area)

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