Friday, March 27, 2015

March 30, 2015
Ridge Spring News
Harriet Householder
Due to an item on my Bucket List I will be traveling  with my daughter and granddaughter to Goeppingen, Germany and other points of interest in Europe.  I am reusing an article that was first published in 2013.  Also it is almost Joe Cal Watson’s 92nd Birthday.  You are all invited to the Nut House Drop in on April 4th.   The cake will be cut at Noon.  So come by for a piece. 
Joe Cal Watson, Wallace Steadman and Their Long Trip from Clemson College to Ridge Spring,
A Really, Really Long Trip Home
The time was 1943 All airports were Army Military Bases
True story by Joe Watson and written by Harriet Householder
Joe and Wallace were students at Clemson.  They had joined the Army Reserves so they could complete ROTC at Clemson.  While being in the reserves they were allowed to ride if space were available on military planes ( this is often referred to as space A). They also had been promised to be allowed to finish College.  By the way this did not happen, either.  After the war both men went back under the GI Bill and finished Clemson,
It was Christmas break, they were in uniform, and they were ready to get home.  In the past they hitch-hiked a ride to Greenville and caught a plane to Columbia where they hitch-hiked to Ridge spring which was home for both.  This time when they got to the Greenville airport they had to wait and wait and wait; between them they had less than $5.00.  Finally they took a flight heading to Atlanta.  They might be able to catch a plane to Columbia from Atlanta.  Once in Atlanta, they were given a place to sleep and breakfast.  The homefolks did not know where they were so they sent them a telegram, “In Atlanta headed to Richmond” for Wallace had an uncle in Richmond, Virginia. There were no flights going north so they decided to keep going south. 
They flew on a B17 and ended up in Brooksfield, Fla. It was 40 miles from Tampa where Joe’s Aunt Chloe Edwards and cousin lived. So they took a cab for ten cents to her house. Back then gas was being rationed, so military could ride for a dime but it was a complicated ride.  Once you got in the cab the driver may pick up and let out others along the way. He went where the riders wanted to go as long as it was a continuous route which meant you could ride all around Tampa until they got close to Aunt Cloe’s House.
That Sunday night the men went with their hosts to Sunday night service and heard a lade recite from memory “The fourth Wiseman.”
 They stayed in Tampa until Monday.  Joe and Wallace went to the army base to catch a ride back north. When they got to the gate they were told that they could only ride on a plane if they had their own parachute.  Neither had one so back to hitchhiking they went. They then spent money for a bus ride to get to the north side of Tampa to hitch a ride home. They did buy lunch in Tampa for $0.30 which was cheese and bread.  That left them $0.20 to get home on.
They were able to get a ride to the Florida Georgia border, but then they had to ride in the back for the company did not want the drivers picking up hitch-hikers.  Joe and Wallace didn’t mind for they ate tangerines.  They got to Savannah and spent $0.10 on two cups of coffee and went back to trying to get a ride home.  They caught a ride to Summerton and spent the rest of their money: $0.06 or a package of rolls and $0.04 on 4 cigarettes.  By now it was Tuesday.  From there they got a ride easily to home. 
They did not see Richmond but they did get home after having a meal of tangerines, rolls and finished off with two cigarettes each.
The end of this chapter…  I bet there are many more….
Have you noticed the signs on the road advertising Bull Riding in Ward, SC on April 17th and 18th?  Check it out.  It is part of the Wonderful Weekend in Ward sponsored by William Bell. Check out their facebook page.

Big Red Box: Non perishable food items continue to be collected for two local ministries, Helpful Hands and the Back Pack Ministry. Food collected stays in our community helping to ensure none of our neighbors go hungry. March collections will go to The Back Pack Ministry sponsored by Bethel Baptist. If you would like to help, leave non perishable food items on the porch of the Family Life Center. (FLC)
Prayer Request Box: The RSUMC prayer request box is now located on the porch of the FLC. Requests will be retrieved in time for Sunday Worship Service and place on the ongoing prayer list.
Face Book:  RSUMC is on Face Book and looking for more ‘likes’. Check out our page, find out what’s going on and see how you can be a part of this community Church.

Pastor Key: Helpful Hands Mission Egg Hunt Saturday April 4th 12-pm At the Brush Arbor Park 1095 Keys pond Rd Ridge Spring, S.C. Easter Sunday Services 8 am At the Star Community Center Breakfast will be served. New Food Bank Hours starting April 2015 mission will be open every 2nd and 4th Saturday 10 am -12 noon. Community worship Services every 1st and 3rd Sundays 11 am.. Family Night is  every 2nd Sunday 5 pm.

Joanne Crouch, AARS president
All our artists have been adding new pieces and they are so excited to share their works with you.  Be sure and stop by to see us on Fridays and Saturdays from 10-4 or by appointment by contacting any AARS member..
AARS is offering a class from Libby Bussinah on Saturday, April 18th from 9-2.  The class allows students to create an original 8 X 54 inch silk scarf using simple techniques with dyes.  All materials will be provided by the instructor.  The class costs $45.  To register, contact a member of AARS or contact Joanne at or call (803)685-5577.  Students must pre-register by April 11 to secure class.
Candice will host another installment of her First Saturday Needle Craft Day on April 4th 11-1.  During that time, Candice will assist anyone will questions or problems with needle craft projects.
AARS member photographer, DS Owens, had his work published on the cover of “Visit Aiken Magazine” and another photo published in USA today.  His work was also the winner of the Commemorative Poster Award for the Spring Fest Music Theme Competition on March 6th.
To find out more about AARS, check out our website,  We are also on facebook. 
Magnolia Ridge Antiques and Art Gathering Featuring Palmetto Antique Tractors will take place on May 16th. Any dealers that would like to reserve a space please contact:
Request from Margie Barton:  My father was born in Ridge Spring in 1911, my great grandmother Ellen Forrest Chapman is buried in Good Hope Lutheran Church yard along with her daughter Emma Chapman Turner and her husband James Everette Turner. If anyone knows of this family, please contact Harriet who will forward the information to me. I really need help in finding information on my grandparents and great grandparents
April 4: Joe Cal’s celebration at the Nut House
April 17-19: Wonderful Weekend in Ward
May 16: Magnolia Ridge Antique and Art Gathering
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 am - 12 pm; Wed., 12:30 – 4:30; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm, Saturday from 9:00 until noon,
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every 2nd Monday:  RSM Elem PTO meets at 6:30 pm in the media center. 

Every Friday & Saturday:  AARS hours 10 – 4 or by appt, free admission RS NEWS

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