Monday, April 6, 2020

APRIL 6, 2020
Although I have stopped doing the RS News column for the papers I thought that I could send you an update in the form of a newsletter.  Please feel free to send me anything you would like the community to know or call me.  If a few of you want me to mail this to you call me 803.480.1207.  At one time I was sending all of you on the same email.  Google froze me out for some reason.  So now I send the same letter out to three different groups which totals 120 emails.  Can add anyone, too.

Please take the census survey.  I went on line and it took me less than 10 minutes.  I could not believe it was so easy.  The questions were simple.  This will help us all the way around-Federal and State benefits as well as number of elected officials.  If you did not get a survey form through the mail, go to this web site:
Town Hall had to close the lobby.  To pay your bill send check, pay on line or drop it in the box that is in the door.  If you need to pay in cash, place it in an envelope and drop it in the box.   If you do not have correct change, go ahead and leave it anyway. The extra money will be added as credit to your next bill.

Ann Hughs: Saw our first hummingbird Sunday.  For years they have always come back the last week in March.

The Ridge spring Cat clinic for April has been cancelled.

Ridge Spring United Methodist Church:  Pastor Ashely has found a conference call number so we can talk to each other, share, and she can do an abbreviated message. Going to start that this week. 
While I am on Face Book personally I am trying to make more phone calls and hear voices. Did a couple 3 on Monday after and it did me good and I think the other people as well.
 We are seeing more golf carts around Town.  Ride a social distance but get out. Seeing adults riding bikes…
Our church hasn’t decided what to do as far as the Big Red Box for April. Will let you know. Will be delivering Easter egg hunt items to Helpful Hands this week. They are not doing an event prior to Easter but he said something after.
 The Farmer’s Market shed is really starting to look like a shed. Wow!

Ridge Hill Baptist Church is choosing to observe the recommendations of the civil authorities and healthcare professionals; so, we will not congregate in April. At this time, we are urging everyone to practice all the safety measures that are being recommended.
From a spiritual perspective, we are encouraging Believers to use this time for personal introspection, reflection, prayers, mutual encouragement, and rest. We have not yet begun to engage in mass media ministry via social media as many have. 
We are trying to hear what The Lord is saying to us as a nation, to His Church in general, to Ridge Hill in particular, and to each of us. My prayerful hope is that through introspection, reflection, and prayers we will better discern God's will and pursue it in a more consistent, focused, deliberate, and purposeful manner.As a local church, we will continue to stay close by personal communication, prayers, and mutual  encouragement.

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church.  Our schedule for Easter Sunday will be a drive-in style of worship at 10:00 am at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church.  We encourage you to come and stay in your car with your windows rolled down.  The band and I will lead our Easter Worship Service from the front steps of our church.  This should be an amazing Easter Service.  It will be one that we will never forget.  So let’s invite a friend and come celebrate our Risen Savior on April 12, 2020.  It’s going to be a blast.  Pastor Vollie Gibbs

Mt. Alpha may be closed for month of April.

Ridge Spring Baptist Church building  is closed but not the congregation.  Pastor John Chambers will hold Easter service on line at 11:00 AM  Sunday.  It will be live.  Go to Ridge Spring Baptist Church facebook page, like, and you will have access to the service.  Wednesday evening there will be service at 6:00 PM taped.  Other events such as the Easter Egg Hunt has been cancelled.
Now to the restaurants, BBQ, and cafes, they are open for drive through or pick up food. Cone's Meat, Dollar General, The Nut House, RS Convenience Store, and the gas station.  Banks Drugs is available.   Juniper, the Blue Canoe, Miguelitos, and the Nut House have menus on line facebook and web sites as well as phone numbers.  Blue Canoe does have breakfast with great coffee.
Blue Canoe 803.685.2583
Juniper 803.685.7547
Miguelitos 803.685.0050
Rikard's BBQ  803.685.2211
You can shop on line too.  Check out Haley Bee's Boutique, the Nut House, Cones and more.  Ridge Spring is still alive, just taking a break and slowing down.

Please follow the guide lines about staying away from people yet still contact your friends, family, and others via phone, something called zoom, I think, and enjoy nature.  (I did learn how to do facetime.) We will survive this too.

Harriet's Garden Tips: Has that garden been plowed?  They are talking about Victory Gardens like during World War II. Vegetable seeds are very popular and I have already started planting herbs in my flower pots.  My husband always planted on or after Good Friday.  Fresh vegetables are really the best.  Maybe you can grow some tomatoes this year too.