Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014
Ridge Spring News
December 13th and 14th is the perfect Holiday Shopping Days. Ridge Spring is having their Christmas Open House from 10:00 until 5:00 on Saturday and from 12:30 until 5:00 on Sunday. Minimilers will be here to give you a lift on Sunday and Refreshments will be served on Sunday.

Christmas tour of Homes will be Sunday 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. This is sponsored by the Green Thumb Garden Club and assisted by the Ridge Garden Club. Tickets are $10.00 each and may be purchased the day of tour at all homes and Ridge Spring Baptist Church.. Cake and Spiced Tea will be served at Ridge Spring Baptist Church Social Hall.
Also there will be a “Christmas On the Ridge Holiday Showcase” at Cumbee Place.  Rooms will be designed and ready for viewing by December 11th.  More details will be forthcoming.
Billy Rodgers has fresh collards you may cut yourself.  Place $2.50 for each collard in his money box.  He is of Highway 39 at Spann road.  Isn’t it good to hear of the onor system still working.
Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm & Dairy-
Since it is Thanksgiving week, I thought it would be best to write about one of our sweetest blessings- an update on little Rocket.  For those of you who followed the story, Rocket (a jersey heifer calf), lost her mother not long after being born.  It was a sad and difficult experience for us, but we have been so blessed to have this little calf to raise.  Rocket is doing great, and loves her "momma", Alex.  She comes quickly every time she sees her, of course hoping for the milk bottle!  Rocket is eating her hay and grain now, and her head pops up when we get close by, leaving us to see her chewing her cud with that cute little under bite that is so typical in the jersey calves. When Rocket gets done with her bottle she likes to get some exercise- she runs all around the pasture for several minutes, while we all just laugh and smile. Our female German Shepherd loves to herd Rocket into a corner of the pasture.  Every time Rocket tries to get out, Bella puts her right back in the spot.  This is a game they play while the rest of the cows are being milked. 

Rocket is proof to us that no matter how bad a situation can be, there is always a blessing in the end.  We hope you are enjoying your blessings, and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) MCL Violation for Town of Ridge Spring
Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we are doing to correct this situation.

We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Testing results from Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2014 show that our system exceeds the standard, or maximum contaminant level (MCL), for TTHM. The standard for TTHM is 0.080 mg/L. It is determined by averaging all the samples collected at each sampling location for the past 12 months. The level of TTHM averaged at one of our system’s locations for Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2014 was 0.102 mg/L.

What should I do?

·  There is nothing you need to do. You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions. If a situation arises where the water is no longer safe to drink, you will be notified within 24 hours.
·  If you have a severely compromised immune system, have an infant, are pregnant, or are elderly, you may be at increased risk and should seek advice from your health care providers about drinking this water.

What does this mean?

This is not an emergency. If it had been an emergency, you would have been notified within 24 hours.
TTHM are four volatile organic chemicals which form when disinfectants react with natural organic matter in the water.
*People who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys, or central nervous system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
What is being done?

We have been working closely with the Town of Batesburg-Leesville and SCDHEC and we have determined that the exceedance was due to a temporary change in the treatment process at the water plant in Batesburg-Leesville. The purpose of this temporary change was to re-establish the proper chlorine/ ammonia levels to achieve the most effective disinfection throughout the entire water system. The level of ammonia was temporarily reduced which caused a spike in the TTHM concentration.  We believe that the problem was resolved on Oct.25, 2014.  For more information, please contact F. Maxfield Parrish at 803-685-5511 or P.O. Box 444, Ridge Spring, SC, 29129 The Town of Ridge Spring is sending this notice to you. State Water System ID#: 4110002.  Date distributed

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church will have a Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wednesday, November 26 at 7:00 pm.  Refreshments will be served following the service.

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
Hanging of the Greens Service
with the inclusion of the Christmas Cantata
Love Came Down at Christmas
Presented by the Chancel Choir
Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 7:00 pm in
The church sanctuary
A reception will follow in the Educational building

The Hanging of the Greens is a service for the First Sunday in Advent.  It is based on the English tradition of decorating the home with wreaths, garlands, a Christmas tree, and evergreens for Advent and Christmas.  In a church setting, it prepares the sanctuary (and church members) for the season.  It presents the meanings behind the different symbols Christians use during the season.  You will learn the reasons why we use pine and holly, why we decorate our sanctuary with Chrismons and what each one means.

This a wonderful service for all members of the family, young and old.  This amazing evening is built around Joel Raney’s Christmas Cantata, “ Love Came Down at Christmas” celebrating God’s Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.  Mt. Calvary invites you to celebrate the anticipation of the coming of Christ dung the Advent season through this very special service.  Hoe to see all of you there.

Helpful Hands Community Mission: Each Christmas Prison Fellowship and Christian churches make available a program called Angel Tree Christmas enabling prisoners to give gifts to their children.  This year Helpful Hands is sponsoring seven children.  If you would like to help sponsor one of our children this year please contact Pasto George W. Key, for more information at 803.480.3963 or

Rene Miller, RSM Elementary School
Christmas Musical: This year, our Christmas Musical will take place in the gym during the school day on December 19, 2014. All parents are invited to attend. The performances will take place as follows: Grades K-2 - 8:30 a.m. Grades 3-5 - 10:00 a.m. Each grade level will perform a song or two. Then we will finish up with an old fashioned sing along for the entire audience! Mark this date on your calendars!
Successful Parent Conferences: Our teachers would like to thank all of our parents/guardians for your attendance at the parent/teacher conferences that were held on October 27. We had 86% of our students represented at the conferences. If you were unable to attend the conference, please make sure that you contact your child's teacher and schedule an appointment. We strive to keep parents involved and work as a team to ensure success for every student.

Josie Rodgers
            My daughter wanted a white Christmas tree for her room this year.  I had it assembled before she got home from her FCA retreat.  Then my little boy decided he wanted a tree, too, but I told him his room was too small  and that he could have one when he turned 13, like his sister.  He proceeded to rearrange his room and find the perfect spot for a tree.  His big blue eyes pleaded for a tree.  I began thinking that by the time he turns 13, he won’t care about having a Christmas tree in his room, so you know what happened next!  We put up a tree and he decorated it with his own idea:  his little stuffed animals!  It’s precious and perfect for his zoo/jungle bedroom.
RSM High:  The Trojans football team traveled to Lamar last Friday for the 2nd round of state playoffs but were knocked out in a tough loss.  We are very proud of the Trojans success this season!
The student body of the middle and high school joined together on Veterans’ Day to honor all of our veterans and those currently serving in the military.  The program began with a welcome and the Pledge of Allegiance by Study Body President Quameshia Gantt.  Then all veterans and military guests were recognized and a moment of silence held for those who have fallen.  Senior Jordan Reeves spoke about the meaning of Veterans Day, and the band played several patriotic selections.  Guest speakers included 1st SG Cynthia M. Moody (retired Army) and CPT. Michael R. Morris (Alpha Company, company Commander in the SC Army National Guard).  Closing remarks were given by our very own special veteran, our principal Warren Wintrode.  It was a memorable time of honor and appreciation from our students and faculty to all military. 
On Dec. 10, the mid/high school will celebrate the season with Fine Arts Night in the gym at 6 pm.  Come see the amazing talent the Trojans have!
Jeffrey Clamp: The band is selling fruit.  Final orders are due on Tues., Dec. 2, and the fruit will arrive on Sat., Dec. 13.  Contact Mr. Clamp at 685-2100 or email or a band student or parent if interested.  You may also go to the band web page.  Go to the RS-M Middle/High School web page and look under "Clubs and Organizations" to get to the band web page.  You can print out and/or see an order form with items and prices.

Now until Dec, 2: RSM Band selling fruit
Dec. 9: Harvest Festival Meeting
Dec. 14: Christmas Tour of Homes
Dec. 14: Christmas Open House with Shoppes of Ridge Spring
Dec. 14-Jan.5: Christmas on the Ridge Holiday Showcase

Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy.  Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014
Ridge Spring News
Carlene’s Antique to Unique:  As sole proprietor of Carlene’s, I have decided to close on November 29th.  I am not going out of the antique business; just downsizing and staying in Ridge Spring, (the town that I say is good for one’s soul)  as I will continue to manage Olde Treasures and have a booth there where I will sell antique furniture and unique items.  I’ll still try to locate specific items that our our customers are seeking and cannot seem to find.  It’s just time to make more room for life and less room for time away from family and grandchildren’s activities.   I appreciate everyone's business and trust you will come by in our remaining days to find some really good deals and continue coming into Olde Treasures.  I’ll be in and out there and working a few days a month as needed.  Carlene’s has been a good chapter in my book of life, and I look forward to the next chapter which will still include the people and the town of Ridge Spring!  Thanks to each of you.  You have a special place in my heart.  Marian H. Warner
Off the Beaten Path is ready to help you with your Christmas shopping.  We are welcoming 2 new vendors, Raggedy Jane's and Happy Home Store.  With over 25 vendors now, we have the best selection of merchandise in town.  Come in with that list in hand.  We can even help you decorate for the holidays.  Good wreath selection and other decorations available.  We have beautiful scarves for this cold winter weather and other clothing items that can be monogrammed.  There is a great selection of baby items.  We are open every day except Sunday and Wednesday from 10-5 PM.  We are located at 401 E. Main St. in Ridge Spring.
CHRISTMAS TOUR OF HOMES, Ridge Spring SC, will be Sunday, December 14, 2014 from   2:00 until 5:00 p.m.  This is sponsored by the Green Thumb Garden Club
and assisted by the Ridge Garden Club.  Tickets are $10.00 each and may be purchased the day of tour at all homes and Ridge Spring Baptist Church.  Homes on Tour are Mr and Mrs Dallas S. Cone, Jr., Mr and Mrs Eddie Webb, and The Angel House Home of Terri Rourk.  Churches open for touring: Ridge Spring Baptist Church,   Ridge Spring United Methodist Church and Immanuel "Historic" Lutheran church.  Cake and Spiced Tea will be served at Ridge Spring Baptist Church Social Hall.
Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm & Dairy: We have had a busy couple of weeks here at One Ash. I have been trying to get some butter made and in the freezer for the upcoming holiday baking season. (We never skim the milk we sell, so our customers get lots of cream in their gallon of milk to be able to make butter too!).  It seems like every recipe calls for loads of butter this time of year!  You can see how I make it in my food processor on the blog-  One Ash Farm and Dairy Homestead: Got Cream? Make Butter in 4 Easy Steps! (
We have also been making some seasonal breads ~  Apple Cinnamon and Cranberry Orange seem to be the favorites.  If you want to order bread for Thanksgiving, the deadline for pre-orders is Tuesday 11/18 at noon. Give us a call for the details if you want either of these seasonal breads, or a loaf of our signature Oatmeal bread. (803) 649-9172.  Hope everyone has a blessed (and warm) week!

Rene Miller, RSM
RSM Elementary School will be holding a Silent Auction/Learning Festival:  These events will be held on November 20.  The silent auction will begin at 5:15 p.m. and end at 6:30 p.m.  The learning festival begins in the gym at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 7:00 p.m.  The first 200 students will receive a prize for attending.  Please come out to support your  child's/children's learning and help us raise money for our school.

Big Red Box delivery to Killingsworth last week was met with smiles and exclaims of delight! 12 pillows, 6 sheet sets, cleaning products, markers along with other items filled the living room. A check for $350 was also presented. Becky Roberts, Killingsworth employee, stated the money would go to purchase bus vouchers. The residents used the bus to get to work and there is always a need. Well Done RSUMC members!!!
RSUMC is on Face Book. Check out the Church page, like it and keep up with what’s going on around the Church.
RSUMC’s Sunday morning service is at 11 a.m. Join us for fellowship and always a thoughtful message by Pastor John Kneece.
November Big Red Box contributions go to The Back Pack Ministry sponsored by Bethel Baptist. Their ministry provides food over the weekend to children from Ridge Spring Monetta Elementary School. Items needed are: fruit cups, ramen noodles, micro wave meals (not frozen), Capri Sun juice, can vegetables (large), Yoohoo drinks and can be left on the porch of the Church or FLC. Let’s fill ‘er up and help our neighbors! For more info or questions about how to help contact:
Nanette Hughes 658.6071.
The Joe and Betty Watson Family Life Center is located adjacent to the Church. This makes if perfect for showers, weddings parties or any event needing plenty of parking, kitchen and areas to gather. If you or a group are interested in holding an event at the FLC, please contact Jo-Ann Kneece at: 532.2354 for information.

Helpful Hands Community Mission: Each Christmas Prison Fellowship and Christian churches make available a program called Angel Tree Christmas enabling prisoners to give gifts to their children.  Each child receives one gift valued between $15.00 and $25.00.  The gift will be personally delivered prior to Christmas on the prisoner-parent’s behalf, either by home visit or church party. This year Helpful Hands is sponsoring seven children.  If you would like to help sponsor one of our children this year please contact Pasto George W. Key, for more information at 803.480.3963 or

I had a wonderful time at the Cooking Class with Chef Brandon Velie Thursday night.  As much as you know you can always learn more, and I always need to learn more.  I learned how to pronounce and make potato gnocchi.  I am still fuzzy on the pronunciation though.  I look forward to the next lesson in December.

RSP Chief Jarrod Goldman: Drunk driving, always dangerous and often deadly, is even more common during the holiday season. MADD’s Tie One On For Safety Campaign, which began in 1986, uses red ribbons to remind the public of the increased risk of being affected by drinking and driving during the holiday season. The ribbons are a reminder to use a nondrinking designated driver every time you plan to drink and need to get home.  We also use this time to salute law enforcement and first responders for the increased burden on them during the holiday season. The campaign runs from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day.
Jeffrey Clamp: The Ridge Spring-Monetta Band is selling fruit.  Final orders will be due on Tuesday, December 2nd and the fruit will arrive on Saturday, December 13th.  Contact Mr. Clamp at RS-M High (685-2100 or email or a band student or parent if interested. 
Now until Dec, 2: RSM Band selling fruit
Nov. 20: Friends of Ridge Spring Meeting
Dec. 9: Harvest Festival Meeting
Dec. 14: Christmas Tour of Homes
Dec. 14: Christmas Open House with Shoppes of Ridge Spring

Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy.  Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014
Ridge Spring News
Tuesday is Veteran’s Day, a time to honor all veterans from all conflicts.  It began at the close of the Great War which was actually World War I.  The war ended and treaties signed on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.  Memorial Day is to honor those who died in war but Veterans’ Day is to honor all who fought.  The Ridge Spring Harvest Festival purchased the flags that are on the lampposts in our town.  How fortunate we are to have our flag and to display it so well.

The first Christmas Open House occurred Sunday afternoon.  Many came and enjoyed shopping and refreshments.  Thank you for shopping with us and helping us get the season off to a good start.  Without you we do not survive.

We will get the financial report of the Harvest Festival this week.  Again thanks goes to Joanne Crouch for leading us again.  The need for more to get involved is an utmost priority.

Jeffrey Clamp: The Ridge Spring-Monetta Band is selling fruit.  Final orders will be due on Tuesday, December 2nd and the fruit will arrive on Saturday, December 13th.  Contact Mr. Clamp at RS-M High (685-2100 or email or a band student or parent if interested.  You may also go to the band web page.  Go to the RS-M Middle / High School web page and look under "Clubs and Organizations" to get to the band web page.  You can print out and / or see an order form with what we offer and prices.
Evon Kenner: Jerusalem Baptist Church Male Chorus celebrated its 14th anniversary Sunday, November. If you would like information about future events, please call Arthur Kenner at 685-5453.
Yon Family Farm: Despite the unexpected snowfall, a huge crowd turned out for the Yon Bull Sale on Nov. 1.  Neighbors, family, and friends all pitched in to keep everyone fed and as warm as possible.  The cattle sale went smoothly and they sold well, with cattle selling into TX, AR, OK, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, VA, TN, WV, KY, and OH.  The Yons’ next cattle sale will take place in February.
CSRA: Get ready for the greatest talent event of the “OUR SUNDAY BEST”. The grand prize is $200.00.  There will be free door prizes, too.  It will happen on Sunday December 14 at Saluda Theater, 105 Law Range St., Saluda, SC.  This event is sponsored by the Helpful Hands Community Mission, 101 Hazard Circle, Ridge Spring, SC.
RSM Elementary News, Rene Miller
Title I Fall Planning Meeting We will hold our Fall Title I meeting on November 10 at 6:00 p.m. in Mrs. Cooper's office. The purpose of this meeting is to review Title I funded activities, discuss/revise the School-Parent Compact, discuss/revise our Parent Involvement Policy, review parent involvement and staff development expenditures, and discuss recent school-wide data. The school welcomes any input from teachers, parents, and community members. We look forward to seeing you on November 10.

Our PTO would like to thank you in advance for supporting our Cookie Dough fundraiser so that we can purchase sports equipment and instructional material for our school. Remember that on Monday, November 17th, all money and orders must be turned in. PTO officers will be here that morning to receive money in the main hallway of the school.
Remember, if our school sells 500 items then everyone will get to come to a Magic Show!!!! The next PTO meeting will be held on November 10th at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center. Please join us in making a difference at RSM. The PTO has had to change their e-mail address. The new address is: rsmpto422@gmail.comp

Don’t forget to place your order for the 2014-2015 yearbook. Soft covers are $25.00 and hardcovers are $30.00. No extra yearbooks will be ordered, so don’t be left out. Mr. Fulmer will take your order every Wednesday & Friday from 8:00—8:40 a.m. You may also order online. See important information below. Make payment to: Ridge Spring-Monetta Elementary Order Deadline: February 16, 2015 to order online visit: Yearbook ID Code: 10307615 To contact Mr. Fulmer:

Josie Rodgers
Our hearts are grateful to the men and women who have served and those who are currently serving in our armed forces.  They sacrifice so much for our country, and we take this sacrifice for granted each day that we don’t say thank you or lift them up in prayer.  I cannot begin to imagine the experiences and emotions that accompany being in the military or part of a soldier’s family.  God bless them all and may He continue to protect them and provide for them.
RSM High:  The Trojans football team traveled to Great Falls last Friday to take down the Red Devils in the first round of the playoffs.  The Trojan victory sends them to Lamar this weekend for the second round. 
The Lady Trojans volleyball team got knocked out of the state playoffs last week, but what a superior season these girls have had!  They are the Region Champs, and with almost all of the starting line-up returning next season, we look for a repeat and a deeper playoff schedule!
            Cristal Gonzalez:  On Thurs., Oct. 23, the HOSA chapter took a trip to Newberry College to attend the Fall Leadership Conference.  The members participated in various learning session, heard from inspirational speakers, and learned about new technology in the science field.  The ladies even toured the college campus. 
            Principal Wintrode made a deal with the juniors at the beginning of Spirit Week.  He promised to cut his hair in a Mohawk and paint it blue and gold if they won the Spirit Week competition, and they did!  All the juniors were called to the cafeteria to witness Coach Bunch giving Mr. Wintrode his new look and Mrs. Marks-Johnson adding the colors.  What a great sport!
            On Oct. 10, 2010 RSM graduates Denzel Harley and Alonzo Lanham came to school to talk to students about various careers in the arts.  Both have attended the Atlanta Institute of Music.  Alonzo was in the instrument program but is now in the engineering and production program.  Denzel is a graduate of the engineering and production program and certified to work in those fields.  The young men’s advice to students was to focus hard on their education now so they will have more opportunities in the future.  
            Student of the Month for October was freshman Lexi Sterling, nominated by Mrs. McCall.  The Staffulty Member of the Month was Ms. Wigfall, our newest custodian, nominated by Quameshia Gantt. 

Now until Dec, 2: RSM Band selling fruit
Nov. 11: Harvest Festival Meeting
Nov. 20: Friends of Ridge Spring Meeting

Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works

Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy.  Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014
Ridge Spring News
Saturday morning was a shocker to everyone.  Snow and more snow came down and it accumulated to at least 5 inches.  Most of it was gone by 4:00 but just looking at it was a shocker.  How did you fair with the unusual turn of events?  Have a friend, Shelby Yonce, who posted the following on October 30 “Persimmon seed: Do you see a spoon? Forecast: we will be shoveling snow this winter. What is your take on this?” I saw shovels in each of the four seeds.  We saw her that day and discussed this folk lore tidbit and wondered.  The next day we were shoveling snow.  I hope she does not look at any more persimmon seeds. I also heard on the news that this snow is the earliest recorded in SC since they began collecting data in 1880s
November 9th will be our First Ridge Spring Christmas Open House.  Dine, then come on out to visit the Shops of Ridge Spring.  Enjoy refreshments at the different shops as your browse and see the perfect gift or decoration for your home.  Don’t forget to come down Green Street to visit Pat’s Corner Antiques and Harriet’s Garden. 
The Art Center will be open also, and they are having a reception for Regina Ridgell of Saluda who has a new children’s book Lucy Lizard’s New Coat.  She will be signing her books.
Primitives at the Ridge will be holding their annual Christmas Gathering November 7th and 8th from 10:00 - 4:30 and Sunday, November 9thfrom 1:00 - 4:30. Come out and enjoy some refreshments and some great, unique Christmas items.

The girls at Off the Beaten Path would like to thank everyone who came out for the Harvest Festival. We are so excited for all our new friends too.  We are busy gearing up for the Christmas Open House on November 9th.  Be sure to stop by.  We will be decorated and serving some delicious food.  Bring that Christmas list!!

Ridge Spring Harvest Festival Annual Car and Truck Show October 25, 2014 Winners were: Best of Show Larry Wilson1992 GMC Stepside Truck, Festival Choice Renae Peckham 2004 Chevy SSR.

Top 10
Chuck Peckham, 1950 Ford 2 Door Sedan; Charles & Karen Crosby  1957  Red Chevy Bel Air  2 Door Hardtop; Larry Friedrich 1956 Studebaker; Larry Mobley 1964 Chevrolet; Dwight & Julia Davis 1978 VW  Bus; Tony DeFazio 2008 Ford Mustang; Leo Whritenour 1929 Model A Ford Truck; Harold Glazenor 1941 Chevy Coupe; Ansel Price 1970 Plymouth ‘Cuda;   Joel & Mary  McGee 1988 Nissan 300Z.

The Ridge Spring Harvest Festival and Ridge Spring-Monetta Athletic Booster Club would like to thank each of the participants.

            RSM Middle:  The gorgeous new school was dedicated in a ceremony last Thursday.  Many people attended and enjoyed seeing the state-of-the-art facility, something our community has been waiting for and our students have deserved for so long.  Come and see!
RSM High:  The Lady Trojans Volleyball team took the Region Title with a 12-0 record!  They won the 1st round of the state playoffs beatingCA Johnson 3-0 (scores were 25-0, 25-7 and 25-13).  Miranda Middlebrooks served a perfect 25-0 game!  It's the first perfect serve 25-0 game in school history!  Raven Valentine, the only senior, recorded 3 kill blocks and 17 kills in the match. The second round was played at the Ridge on Oct. 27 vs.  Brashier Middle College.
The Trojans football team took down Calhoun Falls last week 62-20.  This week, they will host Dixie for Senior Night. 

Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm & Dairy- This is one of our favorite recipes- good made with crisp, fall apples.  Enjoy!

Apple Goodie from One Ash Farm Recipes

1/2 cup white sugar
2 Tbs. all purpose flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
5-6 medium sized ripe apples, peeled, cored, and sliced

Mix the dry ingredients, and then add and mix the apples until they are coated.
Pour into a greased 9 x 13 pan.  

1 cup oatmeal
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/3 tsp. baking powder
2/3 cup melted butter

Mix all of the dry ingredients.  Add the melted butter and blend until crumbly.
Pour on top of the apples and press down firmly. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes, or until golden and bubbly.  Best served warm with a scoop of ice cream! 
(Made from fresh One Ash Farm & Dairy Raw Milk!)

Nov. 9:  Christmas Open House Ridge Spring
Nov. 20: Friends of Ridge Spring Meeting
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works

Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy.  Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.