Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014
Ridge Spring News
 The Harvest Festival was success. Thank you, Joanne Crouch, for being chairman for the fourth time.  You sere SUPER!!!!! Bingo had great games.  Whoever won the last game please contact me a Harriet’s Garden.  I have that gift certificate from Frank Daniels that I could not find that night.  The Gospel Night was beautiful and the Cake and Pie Contest was delicious.  The Pound Cake winners were 1. Becky Elders, 2. Joye Bodie, 3. Harriet Householder. The Layer Cake winners were 1. Lee Stone, 2, Georgia Sabel, 3. Dawson Holsenback. . The Pie Winner is Becky Elders.  The Cookie Winners were 1. Madison Bedenbaugh, 2.Rily Holsenback, 3, Maci Bedenbaugh.
Saturday the parade was led by our own Boy Scouts bearing the colors.  Thank you.  Then came the RSM Band.  What a fine job they did.  More came and it was a delightful view for my grandson Carter who filled up two of my coat pocket with candy.  I thank the participants of the parade.  He and I both enjoyed it. 
Then we participated in the games.  The prizes were nice too.  I even tried two of them.  With a cost of $1.00 for a ticket and each game cost one ticket, we could play them all more than once. 
The Edna Sawyer Award was given to the Friends of Ridge Spring (FORS) and I was called up to receive it.  What a surprise and how grateful I am for the recognition for our organization.  The silver platter is beautiful. Next meeting is November 20th.
The music was a delight too.  Richard Elders always does a wonderful job with lining up the entertainment.  Did you hear the last group, the Voice? Good times were had by all. 
The Car Show and the Tractor show were together this year.  It sends you down memory lane.  I will have the winners next week.
Did you get a chance to ride the Mini-Milers?  Weren’t they cute?  They will be back for our Christmas Open House in December.
November 9th will be our First Ridge Spring Christmas open House.  Dine then come on out to visit the Shops of Ridge Spring.  Enjoy your refreshments at the different shops as your browse and see the perfect gift or decoration for your home.  Don’t forget to come down Green Street to visit Pat’s Corner Antiques and Harriet’s Garden.  
CSRA: Get ready for the greatest talent event of the “OUR SUNDAY BEST”. The grand prize is $200.00.  There will be free door prizes, too.  It will happen on Sunday December 144 at Saluda Theater, 105 Law Range St., Saluda, SC.  This event is sponsored by the Helpful Hands Community Mission, 101 Hazard Circle, Ridge Spring, SC.
 Gail Moody-Johnson LADY TROJANS VOLLEYBALL TEAM REGION CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!! The Ladies played C. A. Johnson High School in the first round of the state playoffs on Oct. 22, at home.

Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm and Dairy: It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that our sweet Annabelle succumbed to her battle with milk fever, and that little Rocket is now an orphan.  Rocket is doing well, and has found a new "momma" in Alex, who is bottle feeding her three times daily.  Rocket is spunky and runs jumps and tries out that young "moooo" every time she sees her.  I have written about Rockets story in our blog. If you would like to see a picture, and read more, you can find it at won't be back at Ridge Spring Market until spring, but remember you can give us a call and come out to the farm to pick up fresh milk, bread and our herbal salve!  (803) 649-9172.   Have a great week!

This coming weekend, October 31 through November 2, is the19th Annual Antique Fall Festival hosted at Richland Creek Farms, 542 Richland Creek Rd, Ward, SC. There will be tractor pulls and many Family Event activities with demonstrations.  Check this event out at or call J. F. Berry.  They even have RV hooks available by reservation at $40.00 for the weekend for water/electricity only.  Gates open each day at 9:00. 

Yon Family Farm Fall Sale will be held Saturday too. 

November 7-9 is the Wonderful Weekend 'n' Ward Trail and Wagon Ride!!!! Bring your wagons and your teams!!!!
LIGHT THE NIGHT FESTIVAL: October 31 Helpful Hands Community Mission, located at 101 Hazard Circle in Ridge Spring will have a festival with games treats, scary Bible drama, costume contest and more and free admission. 

Ridge Spring Baptist Church will hold our annual Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot on October 31, from 5-7pm. We will also be handing out warm coats to anyone in need of one this winter.

RSM Elementary School
 Red Ribbon Week is this week: Tuesday, October 28-Friday, October 31

For the week ending October 17th
Our school has completed 300,108 math problems. We have earned 100.036 stickers. The team of the week is: Mrs. Wilson’s class—5th grade The player of the week was Ben Quarrius Kirk. He earned 886 stickers. He is in Mrs. Wilson’s 5th grade class. The top team for each grade level is: Kindergarten: Mrs. Hallman’s class; 1st Grade: Mrs. Kerby’s class; 2nd Grade: Mrs. Bouknight’s class; 3rd Grade: Mrs. Matthews’ class
4th Grade: Mrs. Lee’s class; 5th Grade: Mrs. Wilson’s class.  Our students continue to work hard using the First in Math program. We have set a school goal to complete ONE MILLION math problems by the end of the year. This will help increase fluency with math facts and therefore, increase our test scores in the spring! Way to go, Ridge Spring Elementary students! (Personally I love this for I was a math/science teacher before I retired.)
Title I Fall Planning Meeting: We will hold our Fall Title I meeting on November 10 at 6:00 p.m. in Mrs. Cooper's office. The purpose ofthis meeting is to review Title I funded activities, discuss/revise the School-Parent Compact, discuss/revise our Parent Involvement Policy, review parent involvement and staff development expenditures, and discuss recent school-wide data. The school welcomes any input from teachers, parents, and community members. We look forward to seeing you on November 10.

Oct. 31: Light the Night Festival
              Trunk or Treat @ RS Baptist Church
Nov. 9:  Christmas Open House Ridge Spring
Nov. 20: Friends of Ridge Spring Meeting
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy.  Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014
Ridge Spring News

This is the week of the Harvest Festival.
Thursday Bingo at the Civic Center
 Thursday is the big BINGO night so come on down.  With the help of individuals and local businesses in Ridge Spring Monetta, Johnston, Edgefield, Saluda, and Batesburg-Leesville we will have a big night.
Friday has two events.
The first one is the Cake and Pie Contest sponsored by Bank’s Drugs. There are three categories and one for children.  The judging begins at 6:00 PM so pound cakes, layer cakes, pies, brownies need to be at the Fire Station by 5:45.  You may bring them earlier.  Daisy Rutland will be there beginning around 3:00 PM.  If you must do it earlier, leave them at Bank’s Drugs.
The second event will be Gospel Night at the Gazebo with Rev. Hopkins leading.  It begins around 7:00 PM and the music will be wonderful.  Hope to see you there.
Saturday the BIG DAY
The day starts with the parade that will get to the Gazebo by 10:00, which means it will leave the Elementary School by 9:15 and be at the Circle K at Highway 23 by 9:30.  After the parade the games begin.  There will be prizes for all, We have at least six games that can be played.  There will be food vendors, crafters at the Ridge Spring Baptist Church Circle Parking lot, the Country Store, the Car Show, Bar-Be-Que at the Fire Station, and of course live music at the Gazebo thanks to Richard Elders. The Minimilers will be there with their cart and miniature horses for all to ride from 1:30 to 3:30.  Don’t forget the theme 

Off the Beaten Path wants to celebrate one of their vendors, Ruth Mounzon.  She won 3 first place ribbons and 3 second place ribbons at the State Fair for her crocheting.  Be sure to come in to Off the Beaten Path to see what she has to offer.  We have many fall wreaths and other things for decorating.  We will be open Saturday during the Harvest Festival.  Off the Beaten Path will be open for Harvest Festival following the parade.  Be sure to stop by and see what great things we have to offer.  You will find many things for you and great gift ideas as well.  We have a cute children's section with clothing up through toddler sizes.  Our great vendors offer items for you such as jewelry, scarves, soaps and lotions. They also have great items for your home.  Everything is unique because it is either handmade or repurposed in some way.  We look forward to meeting you on Saturday!

King Academy Harvest Carnival:  The King Academy Harvest Carnival will be Thursday, October 30th, 2014 In the gym from 6:00pm—9:00pm 1046 Sardis Road, Batesburg, SC 29006 (Highway 178 between Saluda and Batesburg)  There will be activities for the entire family: Including Concessions and Sweet Shop  Children’s Games Hayride Raffle and BINGO. Come and enjoy a fun filled family night out!

Cedar Creek Church on the Ridge Fall Festival will be October 26th, 4 p.m. until 7 p.m.
788 West Columbia Avenue, Batesburg, SC.  Free food, games, face painting, trunk-or-treat, costume contest, jump castles and more!
Ridge Spring United Methodist Church:
Harvest Festival: Ridge Spring United Methodist Church (RSUMC) is all decked for Harvest Festival and ready for visitors. Check out the table located in front of the Joe and Betty Watson Family Life Center (FLC). Saturday, FREE bottled water will be available as well as RSUMC contact information. A prayer request box will be located on the table as well. No prayer request is too small. Use the cards provided and place your request in the Box and the congregation will add your request to the Sunday prayers.
Big Red Box: The Big Red Box full of non perishable food items was delivered in September to the Johnston Food Bank. Thanks to those who contributed.
The month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. RSUMC’s Big Red Box is collecting items for Killingsworth Home. (a safe place for women in distress and starting over). Items needed: Pine Sol, Pledge, black/red dry eraser markers, standard size bed pillows, twin sheet sets, towel sets, non allergic clothes detergent, Neosporin and small and large band aids. All contributions are appreciated. Please leave your items with a Church member or on the porch of the FLC. Such a small thing to do for those who are starting over with nothing
Face Book: RSUMC is on Face Book. Visited our page, like us. We are shooting for 100 likes before the end of the year. This is a great place to keep up with what’s going on at the Church, how to get involved and to leave prayer requests.

Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm and Dairy: Unfortunately we couldn't make it to market on Saturday morning.  Our sweet girl, Annabelle, who I wrote about calving last week, needed the vet.  At this writing, we are praying that she can recover from milk fever, and that she will be up and taking care of her calf, little Rocket, again soon.  Annabelle loves bread, and I want to be able to bake a loaf just for her.  

Speaking of bread- make sure to come out to Harvest Festival Bingo on the 23rd!  We will be providing a basket of our fresh baked breads as one of the Bingo prizes.  If you missed us Saturday, and would like to come to the farm to pick up some Grade A Raw Milk or fresh baked oatmeal or French bread, give us a call at (803) 649-9172

Ridge Spring Baptist Church will hold our annual Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot on October 31, from 5-7pm. We will also be handing out warm coats to anyone in need of one this winter.
Hymn Sing at Spann Church:  The tenth annual Fall Hymn Sing will be held at Spann Church in Ward Sunday October 26 at 3:00 PM..  The program will last about an hour followed by a time for refreshments and fellowship.  Peanut butter will be collected for the Johnston Food Bank.  Spann always has a warm welcome for visitors.  For more information call 803.430.1314.

LIGHT THE NIGHT FESTIVAL: October 31 Helpful Hands Community Mission, located at 101 Hazard Circle in Ridge Spring will have a festival with games treats, scary Bible drama, costume contest and more and free admission. 

Josie Rodgers:
My sister-in-law Brandie Rodgers participated in the Atlanta Susan Komen Walk for a Cure this past weekend.  They walked 20 miles a day for 3 days.  Each team raises money for cancer research and current cancer patient needs (taking patient to appointments, chemo treatment, etc.). Brandie’s team walks in memory of her mother Lynn Strom who died of breast cancer years ago.  Brandie felt very fortunate to have her stepmother, Donna Strom, become a part of her team this year! We are extremely proud of them!
RSM Elem: Red Ribbon Week:  Oct. 28-31:  Tues:  United We Stand Against Bullying and Drugs (red, white and/or blue); Wed: Color My World Drug Free (bright and colorful clothing, shoes, socks, & accessories); Thurs: Be Strong, Be True, Be You. Proud to be drug free (athletic apparel); Fri: My Future is Bright, No Drugs in Sight (college apparel or career clothing).
            RSM Middle: the Middle School Dedication Ceremony is Thurs., Oct. 23, at 6:30 pm in the middle school cafeteria.  Come celebrate this long-awaited event with us and see our fabulous new facilities! 
RSM High: The soccer and softball teams are selling cooked ribs which will be available for pick-up this Sat.  A whole is $20, and a half is $15

Oct. 23: Bingo
Oct. 24: Gospel Night, Cake and Pie Contest
Oct. 26: Fall Hymn Sing at Spann 3:00 PM
Oct. 31: Light the Night Festival
              Trunk or Treat @ RS Baptist Church
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy.  Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.

Every second Tuesday: Alzheimer’s & Dementia support group meeting at &7:00 PM Library

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014
Ridge Spring News 
If you follow my column you know that last week I was telling you about all the great stuff happening at Harvest Festival.  I ended it with I am sure I have forgotten something, Well I did, the CAKE AND PIE CONTEST. So let me try again.  I hope you have noticed the names of the sponsors are up on the gazebo.  With their help the Harvest Festival is getting better and better.
This Saturday, October 18, is the beauty pageant at the Civic Center.
Thursday October 23 is the Harvest Festival Bingo Night.  Hotdogs that you may choose from chili, slaw, onion, ketchup and onions on them will be served with chips, drink, and home-made desserts will be served beginning at 6:00 PM. Games begin at 7:00 PM.  There will be 19 games with numerous prizes won with each game.  Baskets will be raffled, too.  There will be 10 baskets and they are unique.  Tickets will be $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Game cards are one for $10.00 or two for $15.00.  Bring a friend. Gentry Poultry is helping to sponsor Bingo this year.
Friday October 24 will be two events.  The first will be the Cake and Pie Contest sponsored by Bank’s Drugs.  Cakes and Pies need to be at the Fire Station between 4:00 to 5:45 PM.  They will be judged that evening and then sold at the Country Store on Saturday which will still be at the Fire station. Then the Gospel Showcase will be held at the Gazebo.  Come on by and enjoy the music and the spirit of the night.
Saturday is the big day.  I hope I do not forget anything again.  There will be a parade, live music at the Gazebo, games, car show, country store, arts and crafts, vendors, and BBQ.
Ridge Spring Baptist Church will hold our annual Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot on October 31, from 5-7pm. There will be candy, games, hotdogs and hayrides. We will also be handing out warm coats to anyone in need of one this winter.
SC State Fair: Judy Adamick won a Merit Award and two Purchase Awards at the State
Fair for an Acrylic and a Watercolor entry.

Noel Steele, Cumbee Place, 803-685-0410: Cumbee Place is looking forward to the upcoming Harvest Festival. Our official opening for the Welcome Center will be on October 25th. We would like to invite everyone to stop bye, say hello and find out what we have to offer now and discover our plans for 2015. We are still in search of old photos of the towns in the Ridge Region so if you have any please contact me. Some of the towns in the region are Batesburg-Leesville, Monetta, Saluda, Ridge Spring, Ward, Johnston, Wagener, and Edgefield. We are looking forward to your visit. Cumbee Place will be doing the Concessions for Bingo Night at the Civic Center October 23 starting at 6:00. Proceeds will go toward the development of Cumbee Place so come on out and enjoy a great night of food and games. 
Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm and Dairy: One of our "girls"- Jersey cow Annabelle- gave birth to a beautiful heifer this week!  It's always such a blessing to watch the miracle of birth on the farm.  This calf, named "Rocket" for the speed at which she entered the world, will surely be a great addition to our farm tours!

Hymn Sing at Spann Church:  The tenth annual Fall Hymn Sing will be held at Spann Church in Ward Sunday October 26 at 3:00 PM.  Pastor John Kneece will lead the singing and Wallace Watkins will play the piano.  There will be songs from the Cokesbury Hymnal, in use at Spann since 1938.  The program will last about an hour followed by a time for refreshments and fellowship.  Peanut butter will be collected for the Johnston Food Bank.  Spann always has a warm welcome for visitors.  For more information call 803.430.1314.

LIGHT THE NIGHT FESTIVAL: October 31 Helpful Hands Community Mission, located at 101 Hazard Circle in Ridge Spring will have a festival with games treats, scary Bible drama, costume contest and more and free admission. 
There were four vendors at the Market this past Saturday.  Come on down and check them out.  Fresh milk, fresh vegetables, and beautiful gourds were available.

Josie Rodgers:
            Last Saturday, hundreds of people attended the Columbia Mayor’s Walk Against Domestic Violence, an annual event that raises awareness and provides resources relating to domestic violence.  Team Tisha was represented well by her family and friends in our white tees with pink and purple Super Woman symbol!  Thanks to Jim Hanna’s for taking my design and creating the shirts for us! My sister would have been 43 years old on Oct. 13.  She has been with our Lord four years now.  
RSM Elem: Terrific Kids for September’s Character Trait Honesty:  Liam Kelly,
Katelyn Long, Dyland Harris, Malik Fuller, Michael Day, Samanthia Kirk, Destiny Walker-Davis, Lizbeth Segura, Chandler Harley, Keagan Gentry, Alissa Cato, Parker Holsomback, Briston Matthews, Jordyn Gilliam, Ramiro Zuniga, Cody Davenport, Robby Mitchell, Frankie Sturkey, Emily Gonzalez, Montana Hartley, Keyziah Cannon, & Nehemiah Blacks.
            RS-M Elem welcomes 2 new staff members:  Mrs. Ieshea Egbert, teaching assistant, and Mrs. Lynn Willing, first grade teacher.
Red Ribbon Week:  Oct. 28-31:  Tues:  United We Stand Against Bullying and Drugs (red, white and/or blue); Wed: Color My World Drug Free (bright and colorful clothing, shoes, socks, & accessories); Thurs: Be Strong, Be True, Be You. Proud to be drug free (athletic apparel); Fri: My Future is Bright, No Drugs in Sight (college apparel or career clothing).
The PTO would like to thank everyone for supporting the Read-A-Thon. Every student who makes Principal’s Honor Roll and A/B Honor Roll will be receiving a coupon from Apple Bee's to receive a free milk shake or free kids’ meal. The PTO invites all parents, grandparents, and guardians to attend our next PTO meeting on Oct 13.   Email address for PTO is
Our new School Improvement Council representatives are parents Dawn Sterling and Mary Coleman and teachers Lynn Martin and Gayle Wilson. 
            The first grade recently complete a unit on communities and learned about various jobs that provide services to the community.  Beloved postal worker Lara Edwards (mother of Brenna, Lincoln, Stella, and Dane), visited the first graders and shared pictures from her job and explained how the main system works.  The children wrote letters prior to the visit, and Mrs. Edwards provided stamps and mailed the letters.

RSM Middle:  Homecoming will be celebrated at the high school football field on Oct. 15.   On Oct. 23, at 6 pm in the middle school cafeteria, we will celebrate the opening of our new school with a dedication ceremony. 
RSM High: The varsity cheerleaders will host Trojanette Cheer Camp for ages 4-12 on Thurs., Oct. 16, from 3-6 pm at RSM Elem cafeteria.  Cost is $25 in advance or $30 at the door.  Contact Kipp Palmer for more info or to get a registration form.
Red Ribbon Week:  Oct. 28-31:  Tues:  United We Stand Against Bullying and Drugs (red, white and/or blue); Wed: Color My World Drug Free (bright and colorful clothing, shoes, socks, & accessories); Thurs: Be Strong, Be True, BeYou. Proud to be drug free (athletic apparel); Fri: My Future is Bright, No Drugs in Sight (college apparel or career clothing).
Ms. Tarlton is the new middle school art teacher and guidance clerks.  She earned her BA in Fine Arts from USC-Aiken and her Master of Arts in Teaching.  Her previous job was at Swansboro Middle School in NC.
RSM High: Other winners from Homecoming festivities were the following:  Miss Cheerleader Quameshia Gantt, Mr. Band Joshua Ware, Miss Volleyball Raven Valentine, & Mr. Football Craig Burton.   The junior class won 4 of the spirit dress days as well as Tug-of-War, Balloon Pop, & Teacher Hula Hoop.  The senior class won the Obstacle Course while the sophomores and freshmen tied for Spirit Day.
The Teacher of the Month for September was art instructor Carmen Holley.  The Student of the Month was Shelby Cumbee.
            Aiken Tech visits:  On Sept. 11, Ms.  Crystal Edwards, Dr. Gemma K. Frock, Ms. Cender Walton, and Dr. Joy Watson visited with seniors to share the various programs available at Aiken Tech including cell phone tower climbing, careers in the medical field, welding, and heating and air.
            College Application Day was Sept. 19 under the direction of guidance counselor Christina Lowe.  We had 33 of 41 seniors complete at least one application online to a tech school or four-year college/university. 
            There is a new face in the front office.  Mrs. Von Wiese is the new secretary and guidance clerk.  She is from Germany and has lived in Ridge Spring before.  Her husband is a contractor/renovator, and her college-age daughter has been living in Uruguay for the past two years.  Mrs. Von Wiese plans to eventually become a special education teacher. 
Oct. 16: FORS Meeting Cumbee Place
Oct. 18: Harvest Festival Beauty Pageant
Oct. 23: Bingo
Oct. 24: Gospel Night, Cake and Pie Contest
Oct. 31: Light the Night Festival
              Trunk or Treat @ RS Baptist Church
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy.  Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.
Every second Tuesday: Alzheimer’s & Dementia support group meeting at &7:00 PM Library

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 6, 2014
Ridge Spring News
This is the month of October and the big event in our community is the Harvest Festival. There is a lot of excitement about all that is going on.  Check out the Beauty Pageant on October 18th at the Civic Center. 
Then on October 23 there will be BINGO.  Cumbee Place is doing the hot dogs, drinks, chips and home-made desserts so come early to eat and ooh and aah over the prizes that have been donated by wonderful people businesses, and Farms  from Johnston, Saluda, Batesburg-Leesville, Monetta, Ward, and our own town Ridge Spring.  The Boy Scout Troops will help us give out the prizes of the 19 games.
Saturday is the big day for the parade that begins at 9:30.  There will be games, live music, the car show, elephant ears, vendors, BBQ, Country Store at the Fire Station,  the minimilers from 1:30 to 3:30 to ride around in their cart, tractor show, arts & crafts, and I know I am leaving out something.   Just come and enjoy yourself at a super day on the Ridge.
Final Harvest Festival Meeting will be Tuesday October 14 at Cumbee Place. 
We had three vendors at the Market this Saturday. 
Fall is in the air and we are excited at Off the Beaten Path!  We have some amazing decorations for your house to usher in the season.  We would like to welcome our new vendors, Susanne Trotter, Chinaberry Dreams Soapworks, and Antiquated Shanty. Stop by and see the new merchandise. Over 25 vendors to choose from!
Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm and Dairy: We had a wonderful visit from Noel Steele, of Cumbee Place. She spent some time touring the farm, and talking about the history of our home.  She learned about what we are doing with Farm and Dairy Tours, and offered some terrific ideas that we can utilize as we plan 2015. We look forward to our partnership with Cumbee Place albums, and working with Noel, to help boost Agri-tourism on The Ridge!

Warren Wintrode, Principal Ridge Spring-Monetta Middle/High: The first month of the school year has raced by, and with only a few glitches, the two buildings seem to operating as one combined school.  As our students settle into the new reality of a combined school, they also need to settle into the school year and begin the serious work of academics.  Interim reports went out a couple of weeks ago and in many cases they indicate that we need to focus on our studies.  Athletics, spirit week, band competitions and other extracurricular activities are important in the development of students who will become "productive members of the community," but our primary focus remains the education of our young people.  We want them to leave our walls as graduates prepared to thrive in the world outside.

In October, we will dedicate the Middle School building on Thursday, October 23 at 6:00 PM in the middle school cafeteria.  Please join us.  This is an important event for us and we would like to share it with as many parents and community members as possible.  The first quarter ends on Tuesday, October 21.  Parent conferences are in the afternoon and early evening of October 27.  As always, please come see what is going on up on the Ridge.  You are always welcome.

Town of Ridge Spring: We would like to take a moment to welcome our new officer to Ridge Spring Police Dept. Sgt. L. Lamphere. He is formerly of Aiken County Sheriff's office. Please welcome him to Ridge Spring when you see him out in town
The director of NC & SC US pageant spoke very highly of Mae Ann Webb who is at USC.  Mae Ann is on the President’s Honor List of the Spring Semester. At the same time she represented SC at the National Pageant plus completing many volunteer projects.  Her parents and grandparents are very proud of her.
October 31 Helpful Hands Community Mission, located at 101 Hazard Circle in Ridge Spring will have a festival with games treats, scary Bible drama, costume contest and more and free admission.  
We are taking donations of the following items: candy, glow lights, pumpkins, 1 piƱata, and prizes.  This will be a Halloween alternative. Pastor George W. Key, Founder HHCM  For more information Call 803-480-3963 Email
There were 3 vendors at the Farmers’ Market Saturday. They were Bell Farms, One Ash Farm and Dairy, and Mr. and Mrs. Raborn.

Remember pumpkins are at Harriet’s Garden as well as pansies and other bedding plants. PAT'S CORNER is now reopened and hoping that everyone will take a few minutes to stop by to browse and to say hello. Thanks or your patience and all your good wishes.
Oct. 14: Final Harvest Festival
Oct. 16: FORS Meeting Cumbee Place
Oct. 18: Harvest Festival Beauty Pageant
Oct. 23: Bingo
Oct. 24: Gospel Night, Cake and Pie Contest
Oct. 31: Light the Night Festival
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help.  They have also received donated books. 
Every 2nd & 4th Monday:  Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library. 
Every first Tuesday of the Month:  AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday:  AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday:  Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy.  Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.

Every second Tuesday: Alzheimer’s & Dementia support group meeting at &7:00 PM Library