October 27, 2014
Ridge Spring News
The Harvest Festival was success. Thank you, Joanne Crouch, for being chairman for the fourth time. You sere SUPER!!!!! Bingo had great games. Whoever won the last game please contact me a Harriet’s Garden. I have that gift certificate from Frank Daniels that I could not find that night. The Gospel Night was beautiful and the Cake and Pie Contest was delicious. The Pound Cake winners were 1. Becky Elders, 2. Joye Bodie, 3. Harriet Householder. The Layer Cake winners were 1. Lee Stone, 2, Georgia Sabel, 3. Dawson Holsenback. . The Pie Winner is Becky Elders. The Cookie Winners were 1. Madison Bedenbaugh, 2.Rily Holsenback, 3, Maci Bedenbaugh.
Saturday the parade was led by our own Boy Scouts bearing the colors. Thank you. Then came the RSM Band. What a fine job they did. More came and it was a delightful view for my grandson Carter who filled up two of my coat pocket with candy. I thank the participants of the parade. He and I both enjoyed it.
Then we participated in the games. The prizes were nice too. I even tried two of them. With a cost of $1.00 for a ticket and each game cost one ticket, we could play them all more than once.
The Edna Sawyer Award was given to the Friends of Ridge Spring (FORS) and I was called up to receive it. What a surprise and how grateful I am for the recognition for our organization. The silver platter is beautiful. Next meeting is November 20th.
The music was a delight too. Richard Elders always does a wonderful job with lining up the entertainment. Did you hear the last group, the Voice? Good times were had by all.
The Car Show and the Tractor show were together this year. It sends you down memory lane. I will have the winners next week.
Did you get a chance to ride the Mini-Milers? Weren’t they cute? They will be back for our Christmas Open House in December.
November 9th will be our First Ridge Spring Christmas open House. Dine then come on out to visit the Shops of Ridge Spring. Enjoy your refreshments at the different shops as your browse and see the perfect gift or decoration for your home. Don’t forget to come down Green Street to visit Pat’s Corner Antiques and Harriet’s Garden.
CSRA: Get ready for the greatest talent event of the “OUR SUNDAY BEST”. The grand prize is $200.00. There will be free door prizes, too. It will happen on Sunday December 144 at Saluda Theater, 105 Law Range St., Saluda, SC. This event is sponsored by the Helpful Hands Community Mission, 101 Hazard Circle, Ridge Spring, SC.
Gail Moody-Johnson LADY TROJANS VOLLEYBALL TEAM REGION CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!! The Ladies played C. A. Johnson High School in the first round of the state playoffs on Oct. 22, at home.
Lee Ann Perez/ One Ash Farm and Dairy: It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that our sweet Annabelle succumbed to her battle with milk fever, and that little Rocket is now an orphan. Rocket is doing well, and has found a new "momma" in Alex, who is bottle feeding her three times daily. Rocket is spunky and runs jumps and tries out that young "moooo" every time she sees her. I have written about Rockets story in our blog. If you would like to see a picture, and read more, you can find it at www.OneAshPlantation.blogspot.com.We won't be back at Ridge Spring Market until spring, but remember you can give us a call and come out to the farm to pick up fresh milk, bread and our herbal salve! (803) 649-9172. Have a great week!
This coming weekend, October 31 through November 2, is the19th Annual Antique Fall Festival hosted at Richland Creek Farms, 542 Richland Creek Rd, Ward, SC. There will be tractor pulls and many Family Event activities with demonstrations. Check this event out at www.richlandcreekantiques.com or call J. F. Berry. They even have RV hooks available by reservation at $40.00 for the weekend for water/electricity only. Gates open each day at 9:00.
Yon Family Farm Fall Sale will be held Saturday too.
November 7-9 is the Wonderful Weekend 'n' Ward Trail and Wagon Ride!!!! Bring your wagons and your teams!!!!
LIGHT THE NIGHT FESTIVAL: October 31 Helpful Hands Community Mission, located at 101 Hazard Circle in Ridge Spring will have a festival with games treats, scary Bible drama, costume contest and more and free admission.
Ridge Spring Baptist Church will hold our annual Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot on October 31, from 5-7pm. We will also be handing out warm coats to anyone in need of one this winter.
RSM Elementary School
Red Ribbon Week is this week: Tuesday, October 28-Friday, October 31
For the week ending October 17th
Our school has completed 300,108 math problems. We have earned 100.036 stickers. The team of the week is: Mrs. Wilson’s class—5th grade The player of the week was Ben Quarrius Kirk. He earned 886 stickers. He is in Mrs. Wilson’s 5th grade class. The top team for each grade level is: Kindergarten: Mrs. Hallman’s class; 1st Grade: Mrs. Kerby’s class; 2nd Grade: Mrs. Bouknight’s class; 3rd Grade: Mrs. Matthews’ class
4th Grade: Mrs. Lee’s class; 5th Grade: Mrs. Wilson’s class. Our students continue to work hard using the First in Math program. We have set a school goal to complete ONE MILLION math problems by the end of the year. This will help increase fluency with math facts and therefore, increase our test scores in the spring! Way to go, Ridge Spring Elementary students! (Personally I love this for I was a math/science teacher before I retired.)
Title I Fall Planning Meeting: We will hold our Fall Title I meeting on November 10 at 6:00 p.m. in Mrs. Cooper's office. The purpose ofthis meeting is to review Title I funded activities, discuss/revise the School-Parent Compact, discuss/revise our Parent Involvement Policy, review parent involvement and staff development expenditures, and discuss recent school-wide data. The school welcomes any input from teachers, parents, and community members. We look forward to seeing you on November 10.
Oct. 31: Light the Night Festival
Trunk or Treat @ RS Baptist Church
Nov. 9: Christmas Open House Ridge Spring
Nov. 20: Friends of Ridge Spring Meeting
Ridge Spring Library hours: Mon/Tues 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Thurs 8:30 am - 12:30 pm; Fri 12:30 pm -4:30 pm; Sat 9 am -12:00 noon. The Ridge Spring Library always needs volunteers to help. They have also received donated books.
Every 2nd & 4th Monday: Kids' Corner Story Time 10:30-11:30 a.m., at the Ridge Spring Library.
Every first Tuesday of the Month: AARS meets 685-5783
Every Wednesday: AA meets at Recovery Works
Every Monday & Friday: Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings 7:00 pm at Recovery Works, 2269 Ridge Spring Hwy. Please enter on Ponderosa Drive and park in the Visitor Parking Area.